Someone once said the most frightening thing you can do in life is make a change. I would have to agree, however I have to say that the true definition of character is the ability to make that change with a sense of humor, excitement, and never look back. After all regret is a four letter word. Actually it's a six letter word but I'm sure you get the idea.
I very recently relocated to Boston MA where I am attending Berklee College of Music for completion of my BA and pursuit of my MFA in professional music and music business studies. What can I say, I like a challenge. My principal instrument is vocal performance with intention of piano studies thrown in as much as possible. Add in an intense focus in music industry and music business and you have something close to a trimajor which is my choice curriculum. Yes I am a glutton for punishment in case you were wondering.
I'm looking for new friends, lovers, enemies, and people in general. If you are a person in general then stop on by, leave a message and/or a comment and we can figure out this crazy thing called life together...
There is a dark and dangerous world of jazz and blues that calls me from the silence, a world where deals are made and the devil is paid and voices call out from the darkness.
!!Check out my music on myspace!!