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About Me

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Nothing’s just as it should be
If this keeps on i’m sure i won’t get by
But then I close my eyes and try to smile
I know things are bad and getting worse
Im outspoken
Im random
Im self conscious
I have an Eating Disorder
I Self harm (cut)
Im blunt
im stronged willed
im perservering
Im opinionated
Im the loudest bitch you'll ever hear
Im talented in many ways
I sing myself to sleep everynight
im interesting, so study me
I can sing
Music is my everything
I make mistakes like whoa!
A part of me is missing
I can dance, draw and act
I hate myself
i care about all my friends no matter how long i knew them for
I love laughing
Im impulsive
Truth is i fall to easy
Im afraid of getting hurt
I love learning
I have addictions
I have serious responsibilites
I want to be a doctor/nurse in ob/gyn
I run track and swim
I out run cops (LoL)
I can't find my happiness
Im waiting for my other half to complete me
im a writer internationally
My love is complicated
the internet consumes whats left of my life
Im mature for my age
i have great friends
Im hyper out of nowhere
im not perfect even though i wish to be
Perfection is my number one rule
I hate messing up or failing
im the most nicest person you'll meet until im mad
i look out for all my friends
I love animals!
I love my Kitty and Dog most
i talk ALOT
i have OCD so i like thing neat, organized, and professional
im very meticulous
Lip gloss is part of my life
Im still lost trying to find the true meaning of my life
God is my everything
Dont accept me? I dont care this is me, and i change for nobody!!!.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Start of chat HTML: ChItTy ChAt ChAT bOx! -- .. .. codebase=" flash/,0,0,0" WIDTH="240" HEIGHT="300" id="fgchat" ALIGN="" .. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

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My Interests

I love writting poetry, stories or even sometimes songs. I enjoy deep dark and depressing things, drawings, or quotes and pictures. I love sports their all me but mostly Track and Swimming. Music is my life i cannot survive without listening to it!!!..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Greenish Brown
Hair Color:: Black and purple this time
Height:: 5''7'
Favorite Color:: Purple,Blue,Black and White
Screen Name:: LadiiLethal (aim)
Favorite Band:: Good Charlotte and others
Favorite Movie:: Thirteen, Perfect Body, Girl Interrupted, Speak
Favorite Show:: Degrassi
Your Car:: 98 Black Chevy Camero
Your Hometown:: San Deigo
Your Present Town:: Winchester/Temecula/Menifee
Your Crushes First Name:: Don't need to know
Your Grade:: 11th
Your Style:: However i feel
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: All the time
Kissed someone in the rain?: No but wanting
Danced in a public place?: Always went to a dance club in SD
Smiled for no reason?: not for some time
Laughed so hard you cried?: Always
Peed your pants after age 8?: no
Written a song?: Yeah` i need a melody though
Sang to someone for no reason?: No
Performed on a stage?: Yes i love it its exhilarating
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yehhp
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: No it comes naturally
Made out in a theatre?: No watch the dang movie thats why your there
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: No
Been in love?: Nope
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: In person? No one
Tell you, I love you?: I havan't heard that since middle school
Kiss you?: My dog Maxie, and kitty Kizuna
Hug you?: Ms. Moore
Tell you BYE?: Ms. Moore
Write you a note?: Hes not important
Take your photo?: Myself
Call your cell phone?: Jessica
Buy you something?: Lori
Go with you to the movies?: havant been there in some time
Sing to you?: My soul
Write a poem about you?: Myself
Text message you?: Kaitlin
Touch you?: No one
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Can't remember
Time you cried?: Just yesterday 11/9
Movie you watched?: Uhm...
Joke you told?: not one in a while
Song you've sang?: Peter Pan audition song and Beyonce - irreplaceable
Time you've looked at the clock?: at 1:33pm
Drink you've had?: water
Number you've dialed?: no ones
Book you've read?: Love Sick
Food you've eaten?: None
Flavor of gum chewed?: None
Shoes you've worn?: White addidas
Store you've been in?: Walmart
Thing you've said?: When will i quit on this thing called life
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Yes
Whistle?: Yuhhp
Blow a bubble?: Yehhp
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Of course
Cross your eyes?: Yeah
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Almost but no
Dance?: Yeah baby
Gleek?: Yes but its gross especially when you dont see it coming
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Always do its called Insomnia and i hate it
Speak a different language?: Yes partly
Impersonate someone?: haha yeeeaahh
Prank call people?: No i think its immature
Make a card pyramid?: yuhhp but sooner or later i get fustrated with it
Cook anything?: Anything you want me to cook i can
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: school counselor i would try to help some many teens so they wont have to suffer like me
I wish ...: i could start living a better life
So many people don't know that ...: theres more to me that meets the eye
I am ...: who i am and no one can change that but me
My heart is ...: aching with despair and confusion
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A 155 Question MySpace Survey...With Good Grammar!
~*The Basics*~
Your full name:: Essence Noelle Nahimana Evans
--What does it mean?:: Nahimana means Soul and mystic
Your birthday:: 1/23/90
Height:: 5''7'
Eye colour:: Greenish brown
--Do you like it?:: yes
Natural hair colour:: Brownish black
--Do you like it?:: yes
Gender:: female
Religion:: Christian
--Have you ever changed religions?:: no
--Would you consider it?:: no
Race:: Black, Native American, White, Filipino
Heritage:: isnt it the same as above
--Do you like your heritage?:: yes
Where do you live?:: Winchester/Temcula/Menifee
Have you ever moved cities or countries?:: yes
Your job:: Working at DelTaco
--Do you enjoy it?:: yes only when im working with Deborah (my supervisor)
Movie:: Thirteen, Girl interrupted, Perfect body, Speak
TV show:: Degrassi
TV character:: Ellie and Emma from degrassi
Movie character:: dont know
Book:: Diary of a teenage girl, Perfect
Literary character:: dont know
Author:: too many
Band:: The fray, good charlotte
Song:: Too many at the moment
Type of music:: all kinds
Instrument:: piano
Cereal:: cinnamon toast crunch
Fast food place:: none
Dessert:: uhm cheesecake?
Country:: denno
City:: SD
Place to travel:: dont know
Airline:: never been
Shampoo/conditioner:: i forget
Lotion:: Keri or body works lotion
Subject in school:: Dance, Human Physics, Student Leadership
Teacher:: Ms Ramirez
Province:: where ever
State (if you're American):: California
Football team:: WVHS
Hockey team:: eww dont like hockey
Athlete:: Myself lol
Sport to play:: Track and field and Swimming
Sport to watch:: Gymnastics
Fruit:: Watermelon, Strawberries others
Vegetable:: Carrots others
Snack:: Protein bars
Meal:: Protein
Restaurant:: uhm hometown? dennys?
Grocery store:: Commissary
~*Have You Ever*~
Gone on a blind date?:: Nope
Flown in an airplane?:: nope
Thrown up on an airplane?:: nope
Peed in the shower?:: eww no
Peed your pants after you hit double digits?:: nope
Enjoyed Shakespeare?:: yeah
Been to the opera?:: nope
Been to the theatre?:: yeah
Streaked?:: nahh
Seen a streaker?:: nahh
Been mooned?:: yeah haha
Mooned someone?:: yeahh
Flipped someone off?:: pssh duh
Been in a fist fight?:: yuhhp
Been drunk?:: yuhhp
Had alcohol poisoning?:: nope
Been walked in on while you're naked?:: yeah
Slept in a snowbank?:: nope
Made a snow angel?:: no
Lost any teeth?:: yes everyone has or is going to
Been in the hospital?:: yes
Been in a major accident?:: mm not major
Burnt yourself?:: yeah
Passed out?:: yepp
Watched a soap opera you didn't understand?:: nope
Prank called 911?:: nope
Made fun of emos?:: no
Acted like an emo, just to see what it's like?:: no
Cheated on a test?:: yeah
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: no
Lied to get out of trouble?:: yes
Started a fire?:: yes
Roasted a marshmallow?:: yes
Set a marshmallow on fire?:: yes
--How many times?:: 4
Wanted to drop out of school?:: never
--Did you?:: no
Are you single or dating?:: single
If you like anyone?:: mm no
--If so, who?::
--Do you have a chance with them?::
If taken...who?::
--How long?::
--Are you happy?::
Last 4 digits of your phone number:: no
Your house number:: no
Why are you taking this survey?:: im bored
What school do you go to?:: West valley High
--Do you like it?:: yes
Your school colours?:: Marroon, Black and Gray
Your school teams' name?:: Mustangs
Ever been on a sports team?:: yes
--If yes, what was the name of it?:: Track and swimming ... mustangs
--Did you enjoy it?:: yes
What do you want to be when you grow up?:: Doctor or a school couselor
--Why?:: because i love the business of hte operation room and i want to help teens so they dont suffer like i do
Any plans for the near future?:: college
What are your views on capital punishment?:: emm ehhh
--Nuclear weapons?:: worthless dont involve other citizens in your petty arguement
--Euthanasia?:: okay to some extent
--The Canadian government?:: whatever
--The American government?:: whatever
--The European Union?:: whatever
--The UN?:: whatever
--Can you tell me who the Secretary-General of the UN is?:: whatever
What was your favourite grade of elementary school?:: hmm i guess 6th sort of
--Why?:: i dont know more mature oldest in the school?
What are you wearing right now?:: dance clothes tight with spongebob shorts over them and a white beater
--Any particular reason why?:: i was practing my dances
What was the last thing you ate?:: nothing
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?:: Purple? Blue?
How are you feeling today?:: Depressed, Worried, Consfused
How many keys are on your keychain?:: 2
--What are they for?:: house and backyard gate
What does the room you're in look like?:: stars on the ceiling and walls clean
--Do you like the room?:: no im switching back upstairs
Do you own an iPod?:: i wish
--If yes, what kind?::
Do you wear glasses or contacts?:: yes both
What's your view on laser eye surgery?:: sort of dangerous i dont want a laser enar my eye
--Would you ever consider it?:: nope
Weirdest thing about your parents:: their in denial
What did you do this weekend?:: what am im going ot do try to getout of the house
--Was it enjoyable?:: it hasnt came yet
What's your greatest fear?:: dying before i can say and do and become what i really want
Your greatest strength?:: my perserverance
What country do you fear the most:: none
Have you ever been in a third-world country?:: no
--Would you ever want to live in one?:: i dont know
What song do you have stuck in your head right now?:: how to touch a girl
Will poverty ever end?:: i hope
--Why or why not?:: i said i hope i dont know
Will we destroy our own planet?:: yes
--How?: too much polution nuclear bomb and cffs in the air and the atmosphere cant handle all that a hole will grow and the atmosphere will fade we'll die and the earth will freeze
Man--inherently good, or inherently evil?:: inherently both!
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE

I'd like to meet:

All of the Degrassi crew members. Angelina Jolie and Will Smith.

Name: Essence or Aeris which ever i dont care
Birthday: January 23, 1990
Birthplace: San diego
Current Location: Winchester
Eye Color: greenish brown
Hair Color: Dark red with black bangs
Height: 5'8
Right Handed or Left Handed: righty
Your Heritage: Black,Filipino,Native American,White
The Shoes You Wore Today: all black chucks
Your Weakness: friends
Your Fears: rejection, losing someone i love, balloons popping, my dog dying
Your Perfect Pizza: just cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: get a 4.0
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: hey you, whatever, omgosh,ohh mee gawwdd and lot more
Thoughts First Waking Up: damn alarm clock!! what to wear
Your Best Physical Feature: my eyes and some say my body
Your Bedtime: whenever i want to go to sleep if i can sleep at all im a total insomniac
Your Most Missed Memory: when i wasnt so distant, when i didnt have to fake laugh, when i dont have to pretend im okay each and everyday, when i can finally say im .... happy and mean it! thats what i miss
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: both?
Single or Group Dates: both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Frappuccino ooh a Java Chip Frapp
Do you Smoke: mistakes
Do you Swear: :] maaybe , i try not to though
Do you Sing: yes
Do you Shower Daily: yes
Have you Been in Love: no im sorry... i cant say that i have
Do you want to go to College: yes
Do you want to get Married: yes
Do you belive in yourself: at times
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: no, sometimes
Are you a Health Freak: YES!!!
Do you get along with your Parents: no it would be a miracle if i did ugh! too many things
Do you like Thunderstorms: heck yes there awesome
Do you play an Instrument: keyboard im familiar with and i play my voice :]
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yeah
In the past month have you Smoked: yeah ... stupid i know
In the past month have you been on Drugs: ...
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: eww ... no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: Yes sheesh my mistake
Ever been called a Tease: yes it was between those slutty middle school days
Ever been Beaten up: heck no not ever in my life
Ever Shoplifted: when i was younger
How do you want to Die: by my hands.... no uhm in whatever way god has chosen for me i guess
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Doctor or a school counselor
What country would you most like to Visit: Japan and New Zealand
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: green,hazel,blue
Favourite Hair Color: brown, black, light brown, mixes
Short or Long Hair: short
Height: taller than me so in the 6 feet area
Weight: it doesnt really matter
Best Clothing Style: whatever he likes
Number of Drugs I have taken: dont wanna even think about it
Number of CDs I own: alot
Number of Piercings: 6
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: too many to count, yet too many to remember, but i still cant forget...



Musical Themes
Two Hundred Random Questions Survey
1. Planes or boats? Cars
2. Watching or playing sports? Playing
3. How many times a day do you go on myspace? 3 times
4. Tastes great, or less filling? tastes great but alittle to no calories
5. Status quo or radical change? radical change
6. What's your favorite movie? Speak
7. What is your biggest fear? Giving up on life and Dying because of my ED
8. Do you have a soul? yes, but its currently crushed and underconstruction
9. How are you feeling right now? depressed, aggravated, exhausted
10. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? hell yeahh
11. Do you wear cologne? no perfume or body spray
12. Are your parents still together? pssh no
13. When do you go to bed? 930
14. Have you ever been suspended from school? yuhhp
15. Do you hold grudges? no i try not to
16. Do you have a bad life? yes ....
17. What is your favorite name? Nahimana
18. Do you sing? yessuhs
19. What does the world need more of? Peace, love and happiness
20. Have you ever been on TV? yeah
21. Do you have a blog? yuhpp livejournal ask me for it
22. What does the world need less of? war, hatred, animal abuse, abuse, sexual predators
23. Explain your political beliefs. i hate politics is that enough
24. Apple or Microsoft? microsoft
25. Pain or no gain? pain why not its all i ever feel
26. Do you believe in yourself? at times
27. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
28. Are you registered to vote? (And have you yet?) no and no
29. Have you ever been racist? hell nahh people like that are ignorant
30. Do you hate someone? no hate is to strong of a word
31. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? i don't want to be here, what should i wear
32. What are you listening to right now? frankie j - ill be home soon
33. Would you give me $5? depends on who you are but im pretty generous
34. Favorite country? the one im in
35. Tan or pale? im tan
36. Do you like celebrities? sure why not
37. Favorite year so far? i don't have one yet
38. Do you know how to drive stick? nope
39. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? hahaha yess sir
40. Do you eat meat? now i do ever since jan 24th i used to be vegetarian
41. Have you ever prank called someone? when i was little now its just annoying and old
42. Abercrombie or Hollister? hollister
43. Boxers or briefs? thongs hahaha
44. Who do you talk to most on IM? AiM, and i talk to basically everyone alot
45. Would you eat human flesh for money? **** , no there was this guy in the mental hospital that did
46. Have you ever bought a car? nahhh
47. What is your screen name? CrushedSoul3
48. Who do you NOT want to meet? arrogant jerks, perverted freaks, stuck up cocky **** s, and rape controling bastards.
49. Would you go rock climbing? yeah
50. Do you have a girlfriend? nahh homez
51. Happy or depressing music? i have more depressing than happy
52. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? pssh yah !
53. Would you go skinny dipping? uhm no
54. Do you like the band Nine Inch Nails? mmm its okay
55. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? wow i look fat, ugly and tired great
56. What is your favorite IM acronym (lol, omg, ttyl, etc)? omfgosh, stfu
57. Last time you spent $100, and what for? years ago school shopping
58. Ever run away from home? yeah
59. Last text? to alex
60. Dominos or Pizza Hut? pizza hut
61. Do you believe in free will? yes
62. What's your family like? broken
63. Good or evil? a lil bit of both can be fun
64. Pink or blue? blue
65. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda? nahh
66. Last time you saw your mom? few hours ago
67. Have you ever been to a different country? i think so when i was little
68. Name one person you love, and why: CFD Whittier, they helped me through so much
69. One best friend or many good friends? one best friend
70. Have you ever danced in public? heck yes tthe best adrenaline rush ever!
71. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? nahh
72. Have you ever performed on stage? plenty of time im in drama
73. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist? omgosh no how mean
74. Have you ever gone to a private school? nahh
75. Explain what you think about hippies. whatever makes you happy
76. What is the perfect day for you? everyones happy including me and my pain is numbed for those moments of happiness and i don't feel alone
77. Rock or rap? both
78. What's your favorite song? Mariah Carey - hero
79. Explain what you think about dating. its okay whatever stimulates your horomones
80. Have you ever been asked out? yehhp yehhp
81. Are you ghetto? chyeah` most of the times some time im just stupid haha
82. What is something you wish you were better at? living life
83. Have you ever been toilet papering? Why? you mean teepeeing heeck no that rude plus i would feel sorry for the personwho has to clean it up
84. Have you ever been drunk? yeah ... not good throwing up a half bottle of vanilla vodka is sick especially right after you choked on it
85. What does your name mean? soul
86. Do you believe in miracles? yes
87. What is your favorite sport to watch? gymnastics
88. Touch or be touched? neither
89. Would you be president if you could? no
90. Last time you cried? yesterday
91. Have you ever kissed someone? duh!
92. What do you label yourself as? this gal comes with no label
93. Favorite website? myspace sadly lol
94. What is your best physical feature? people say my body i say i my eyes
95. Orange juice or apple juice? neither
96. What is your favorite word? i have many
97. Group or single dates? group
98. What is your favorite sport? track, swimming
99. Hot or cold? both
100. What is your favorite hair style? interestingly different
101. Have you ever broken a bone? nope
102. Have you ever been high? yahh
103. Collar popped or normal? collar popped
104. What would you change about the past? hmm, not a thing because then i wouldnt have met all the loving people i met
105. Coke or Pepsi? diet coke or diet pepsi
106. Have you ever gone streaking? heeck nah you got me twisted
107. Do you feel sad often? always
108. Do you have a boyfriend? no
109. Do you want to go to college? yessums
110. Have you ever smoked? yeah ...
111. Sneakers or flip-flops? both
112. Do you hate yourself? yes
113. Have you ever had a crush on the same sex? yepp
114. What is your dream job? somewhere in the medical field
115. What is something you know that most people don't? what will power truly does for you and what the love and care for others can make you achieve
116. Who do you want to meet? ANGELiNA JOLiE !!!!
117. Sprite or 7Up? neither
118. Do you like the band Radiohead? huh?
119. Do you like yourself? no
120. Do you know how to drive a car? yuhhp
121. Have you ever been home schooled? nah
122. Do you have any piercings? yupp yep
123. What is your favorite musical instrument? guitar and piano/keyboard
124. Do you wear deoderant? hell yeaahh
125. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? yeah haha i wouldnt be able to keep in touch with all my firends in my other cities ive been
126. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? boyfriend
127. Do you like thunderstorms? yeah but only if tey don't injure anybody
128. Do you like dancing? no i love dancing
129. Who is the most unique person you know, and why? Dr. Lucas she has this welcoming aura around her and just this wonderful personality
130. Cappuccino or coffee? starbucks coffee
131. Last hug? MOMO!!
132. Do you have a crush right now? hmmm nah not really
133. Why do you admire people? its just the things they do that you wish you had enough strength to do the same
134. Have you ever beat someone up? sadly yeah
135. Do you like tongue twisters? they're interesting
136. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? Ashleigh 17 years we go back into diapers!!
137. Do you have a job? What is it? yes, Del Taco
138. Have you ever cut yourself? yeah
139. Why do you like the music you do? its speaks to me on a deeper level and reaches my emotions
140. Do you look like your mom or your dad? neither im the 3rd born so i look like i was adopted lol
141. Do you want to have kids? yeah
142. Have you ever been to a beach? yuhhp
143. New York or California? CALi
144. What's your favorite band? Uhm, i have many
145. Have you ever told someone that you loved them? yeah
146. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possesions? give them away and donate them to charity
147. If you could go to one place right now, it would be: CFD
148. Who did you last talk to? mandy
149. Emotional or physical pain? physical pain its more manageable
150. Would you chug beer? eww hex no
151. Favorite type of sock? thin cut low ankle socks
152. Would you try to take over the world? no
153. Do you still use film for cameras? i tend to switch off
154. Have you ever been high... on life? you mean high off of life yess!
155. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
156. What store would you choose to max out a credit card? Why? Hollister
157. Do you drink alcohol? yeah occasionally
158. What's your favorite car? Audi s1 2005
159. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? hell if i know
160. Do you believe in the external world? if i knew what it was i might give it a consideration
161. Cell phone, land line, or talking with a mic on the computer? cell phone no no in person
162. Do you drink soda? not all the time
163. Have you ever been on a boat? yeah
164. Have you dated anyone you met online? no
165. Have you ever written a poem? tons
166. Kleenex or Puffs? kleenex
167. McDonalds or Burger King? eww fattening .... mc donalds if i had tto choose
168. Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
169. What do you think of reality TV? whatever causes their drama they can save it for they mama
170. Have you ever considered suicide? considered it and attempted it
171. French or Italian? Japanese?
172. Do you shower daily? yeah
173. Ocean or pool? pool
174. Do you get motion sickness? no
175. Who do you talk to most on the phone? mandy, sofia, cfd, alex
176. What is the last thing you said to someone? "hurry up and get here so i can jump all over you in excitement"
177. Do you love someone? i love alot of people but not passionate soulmate love no
178. What is your lucky number? 3
179. Would you be my friend? i dont know who you are
180. Are you rude? ooh i can be a real **** in matter of milli seconds
181. How much do you weigh? im fat okay drop it
182. What is one bet you've won? get good grades get lotsa money
183. Shorts or pants? pants
184. Do you like your neighbors? Why or why not? no their loud and annoying
185. Rhyme, free verse, or slant rhyme? rhyme
186. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? always
187. Your first crush: JP
188. What is one thing that annoys you? judgemental people
189. How tall are you? 5"8'
190. Favorite type of shoe? Converse, Addidas, Kswiss
191. Do you memorize random facts? yes
192. Would you kill someone? no
193. Land or water? water if i can breathe under it and swim well and withstand temperature but both
194. Have you ever sworn? uhm yeah
195. Yahoo or Google? google
196. Have you ever fallen in love with a best friend? yep
197. Do you believe in God? without a doubt
198. TV or movie? movie
199. Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf? thats cruel messing with their feelings unless they knew it depends on the situation
200. Math or science? both Take this 200q survey!
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Girl Interrupted
Odd Girl
Out Thirteen
Stay Alive
Imaginary Heroes
Perfect Body
My Sassy Girl
Wuthering Heights
White Oleander
Pretty Persausion
Moulin Rouge


South Of Nowhere
Hannah Montana
Suite Life of Zack & Cody
Beyond the Break
My So Called Life
Full Metal Panic
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
E's Otherwise
Wedding Peach
Mao Chan
Love Hina
Super Gals
Azumanga Daioh
Fruits basket
Real Bout High School
Happy Lesson
Eden Bowy
.//Hack twillight
Hand Maid May
Kaleido Star
Gravion Zwei
Petite Princess Yucie
Sister Princess
Little Snow Farie Sugar
Galaxy Angels
Steel Angel Kurumi
Divergence Eve
Sakura Wars tv
Kiddy Grade
Your under arrest
Rune Soldier


Currently Reading - Impulse
Love Sick
Thicker than Water
Pitch Black
Blade Silver
Burnt Orange
Fools Gold
Chicken Soup Books
Amalia's Diary
The Luckiest Girl in the World


CFD Staff
Ms Moore
Ms Ramirez
Ms Van Dusen
Mr Windmiller
My dog Maxie
My kitty Kizuna

My Blog

Conffession 2007 read this !

okay im not prefect i make mistakes i hurt alot more often than your usual average person im not average i didnt and i dont cause my own pain ... i hate when i fuck things up and make people unhappy i...
Posted by Newbie on Sun, 20 May 2007 06:52:00 PST

Ultimate Myspace Truth the one and only

Ultimate Myspace Truth the one and only *Basics* Name: Essence  Nickname: Newbie  Sexuality: Straight  Hometownnn: San Diego   School: West Valley! ugh! real hai...
Posted by Newbie on Sun, 20 May 2007 06:07:00 PST


We often go through life wondering if were doing things right like were supposed to. When things go wrong we so quick to blame it on ourselves. Who knows if that was suppose to happen that way or if i...
Posted by Newbie on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 10:34:00 PST

80 Questino Survey

1. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?My kitty.Sure.2. What song describes your relationship status?Nonexistant or it flucuates to a hell of a good time to hell on earth.3. How much ...
Posted by Newbie on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 01:33:00 PST

I want to fucking scream

OKay  i want to scream i want to confess everything i want to stop feeling every emotion just for enough time to figure myself out i want understandment i want forgiveness i want a new life....
Posted by Newbie on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:38:00 PST

A survey about me!

***YES-or-NO***Ugly? :Kind? :Loud? :Shy? :Weird? :Selfish? :Ghetto? :Crazy?:Nice? :Mean?:Immature? :Rude?:Cool? :Stupid? :Caring? :Mature? :A friend? :More than a friend? :Talkative? :Boring? :Hott :C...
Posted by Newbie on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 02:09:00 PST

Survey peoples!

AM I?? 1. Quiet or Loud? 2. Short or Tall? 3. Weird or Original?4. Nice or Mean? 5. Friendly or Selfish? 6. Normal or "Special"? 7. Smart or Stupid? 8. Boring or Fun? 9. Attractive or Unattractive ?DO...
Posted by Newbie on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 08:29:00 PST

what would you do asnwer plz

What would you do if I.. » committed suicide?:» said I liked you?:» said I loved you?:» hugged you?:» kissed you?:» said you were awesome?:» lived next door to you?:» started smoking?:» was hospitaliz...
Posted by Newbie on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 05:43:00 PST


PASTE and Fill  On COMMENTS1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How lo...
Posted by Newbie on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 01:03:00 PST

99 questions survey

1. What time is it?8:40 2. Name as appears on birth certificate:Essence ------------------ Evans 3. Nickname(s):Momoko, Yomi, bear(called this since i was little), tiger, dudey, lil b 4. Do You Drive...
Posted by Newbie on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:33:00 PST