!!JESSE!! profile picture


About Me

about me

promise I will never forget the day we first kissed or the day we met...........The sky may fall and the stars may too, but in the end I will still LOVE you.


Things won't change for the better unless you make them.

You are only 'In Love' when every single day is made better just because of that person, even if you don't get to see them.

Age is nothing but a record of how many times one has seen the sun rise and set, don't allow it to mean anything more.

My Life




My Blog


If "god" created us in his image and likeness, why would he reject gays!? If the first sentence has offended you or if you dont particulary lyke this topic, please stop reading now! now where was i......
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 18:53:00 GMT