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------------------------Likes: traveling, the beach,spending time with my friends, listening to music, meeting new people, half off Wednesdays at Harpers with Raspberry Wheat and Westrin and Mowry :-D, starbucks,big cities, hot weather, text messaging,tanning, Michigan State University, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Dane Cook, camping, family cookouts at the lake, taking way too many pictures, my cat, walking all over town, stand up comedy, sleeping in, acting, California, rollerblading, The OC, tennis, pilates, dates, reading, teaching, my faith, getting e-mails, staying up late, laughing, inside jokes, late night phone calls, cosmopolitans, races, shopping, driving a little too fast with the music blaring, dancing, compliments, bonfires, firewroks, concerts, gelato, Grey's Anatomy, Dr. Mcdreamy, San Francisco, Disney, Mexico, skiing, going out to eat, scary or funny movies, FRIENDS -Chandler is the best, American Idol especially Elliott Yamin, big hugs, bike rides -----------------------------Dislikes: Bad/slow drivers -that's my number one, closed-minded people, my indecisivness,hurting, being sick arguing, being lonely, bacon, lilacs -I'm allergic, cold weatherEveryday
What Dave Matthews Band Song Are You (Results Contain Pictures)?
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Mis forMarvelous
Iis forIntelligent
Sis forSultry
Sis forSwanky
Yis forYummy What Does Your Name Mean?
you're rachel...sophisticated and cosmopolitan, but
a little on the shallow side. your friends
envy the ease with which you attract members of
the opposite sex, but they know they'll always
come first.
which Friends character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla:::Early Childhood Pledge::: I promise to defend children from harsh words and actions. -- I promise to wipe the tears of children, of parents, of colleagues.-- I promise to eat green stuff.-- I promise to be silly sometimes, to enjoy laughter, to hug life.-- I promise to really listen to the wisdom of three year olds.-- I promise to take care of the earth, the home to my friends.-- I promise to hold fast to dreams and to be idealistic.-- I promise to do the hokey pokey and turn the world around...-- 'cause this is what I'm all about.:::.. .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds