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I am here for Friends

About Me

Oh, weLL... My NamE is KiM, Im a 2nD yR. nUrSinG stUdeNt... I LoVe rEaDInG bOoKs ANd MaGaZiNeS oR sUrFinG thE nET and cHat wiTh mY FriEnDS dUriNG mY FrEe timE. pEoPLe ofTen tHiNk iM a sNoB bUt aCtuaLly iM not! iM fRienDly, veRy apProacHable , tAlKatiVe, GoD-FeARinG pErSon aND An OPen-MiNdeD yET oPiniOnAted pErson. iM a siMPLe pErSon wHo makEs tHe mOSt oF wHAt LiFe haS tO oFfEr. I LAuGH eVen at yOuR cOrNiEsT jOkE anD LiTtLe ThInGs cAn mAkE mE hApPy LiKe cHoColaTEs anD iCe CrEaM. iM aN oPtImisTic pErsOn LiKE sPoNgEbOb SQuArEpaNts, i SeE difFiCuLt siTuATioNS aS cHALlEngEs to ImproVe tHe pErsOn i aM aNd I tRy mY bEst to tUrN tHe oUtcOmE inTo tHe bESt pOSsiBLe oNe. i HAve ThE aBiliTy tO LAugh EvEn dUriNg thE tOUgHest timES. WheN iM dEePly hUrt, i LoOk fOrWaRD tO tHe otHer gOoD tHinGs LiFe hAS tO oFfeR. iM alsO a PeOpLe pErsOn wHo rElishEs sPendiNg TiMe wItH OtHErS AND Who fEeLS TrULY aT hOme iN tHe cOmpAny oF tHoSe i LoVe. i eNjOy HAnGinG ouT wiTh pEoPLe (mY fRiEnDs aNd lOvEd onEs). i TaKe tIme To bUiLd fEw cLose ANd LasTinG fRiEnDsHip wiTh ThoSE wHo haVE pRovEn tO bE wOrThY oF mY LoVe. HoWevEr, aLtHouGh i dO sPeNd mOSt oF MY tiMe wiTH mY cLoSe fRiEnDs, i sTilL lOvE tO mEet NEw pEopLe, gEt tO kNOw tHem mOre anD EnJoY ThEiR cOmPAnY. Im THe tYpE oF fRiEnd wHo wiLL aLwAyS bE wiLliNg to LiSteN to wHatEvEr yOu wanT to SaY, sO if EvEr yOu nEeD sOmeOne tO tAlk to, juST fEeL fReE to aDd me aNd seNd mE a mEsSAge, and I pROmiSe tO rEpLy aS soOn aS i CaN...

My Interests

InTErEStS?!?! i LoVe MoVieS, mUSiC, FoOd anD MagAzinEs

I'd like to meet:

YOU!!! you can add me up at [email protected] and [email protected] at friendster... okies? PS... please don't give me messages, askin' if i could add you up coz i won't!!! if you want to be my friend just add me okies? thanks!!!


anYThiNg thAT sUiTs mY mOod...=) RnB, ALtERnaTive RoCk, PoP, aNd AcOUstIcs@


bEauTy aNd tHe bEasT, tHe LiTtLe mErmAid, fiNDiNg nEmO, cAsPeR, tHe LiTtLe pRInCeSs, pRinCeSs diAriES, tHE mAtRiX (tRiLogY), dEeP eND of tHe oCeAN, tHe LaSt sAmUrAi, tHe weDdiNg siNGer, 50 fiRSt dAtEs, A wALk tO rEMeMbEr, hOw to LoSe a gUy iN 10 dAYs, tItANic aNd cOyOtE UgLy


aNytHiNg bAsTa kApAmilYA... =) tSka mTv, mYx, aNy shOwS fRoM dIsNey cHaNnEl, fEaR fAcToR, fOr loVe oR mOnEy, aMAziNg rACe, oN-AiR, cOuRAGe tHe cOwaRdLy dOg aNd of cOuRse SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS... =)


tHe LiTtLe pRinCEsS and tHE cHocolAte foR a TeEn's soUL


AnDrES BoNifACio...anD mY mOm!!! =)

My Blog

How great love is....

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island woul...
Posted by KiM on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST