Drinking, dancing, answering philosophical questions, seeing my friends, listenin to bangin tunes! spending money i dont have...on stuff i dont even want!
and always tryin to answer the impossible question.. is a slug a homeless snail
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Created by Bart King
You're A Crazy Drunk
When you drink, you get wrecked - and it ain't pretty.
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Myspace Tracker
the killers,HarD fi, faLl ouT bOy, AshAnti, jA rUle, uSheR, TakInG bAck SundAy, rAzoRliGht, zUtoNs, john LEGEND, kaYne WesT, jAy-Z, sHaYne WarD, tAkE-tHat, jo-Jo, tHe edItoRs, KasAbiAn, UltRabEat, BodyRockeRs,
CoOL RuNniNgs, TRainiNg DAy, A Drift, ShreK, fIndIng NemO, ValenTiNe, CheRry Falls,
ShipWreCked, FrIEnDs, Will And gRAce, 8 oUt of 10 cAts, bAd giRLs, SpoOks, HolLyoaks
The person who invented straightners---Fookin LEGEND! x
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