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I am here for Friends

About Me

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Your Extroversion Profile:
Friendliness: Very High
Activity Level: High
Cheerfulness: High
Excitement Seeking: High
Sociability: High
Assertiveness: Low How Extroverted Are You?
You Communicate With Your Ears
You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker.
What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions.
You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself.
Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod. How Do You Communicate?
My favorite thing ever is music. I love music. I love spending all my time listening to music in my ipod, or in clubs, or in concerts. All my life has been this way. Now I'm discovering how much I like playing music as a dj and I'm missing playing drums.
Other interest I have are films. I try to go to the cinema quite often, moreover I've been to some film festivals: San Sebastian Film Festival years 2003 & 2004 (as a youth jurywoman and as press) and ¡Viva! Festival, last year in Manchester (as a volunteer)
I'm that kind of person that just can't be quiet. I need to do something with my time, I just can't sit down and see it going away. That's why you will hardly find me at home or if you find me, I'll probably be busy with something.
I like going for a walk, making t-shirts (the last was for Halloween, with a strange spider and some spidernets), and reading.
I love every kind of desserts, specially Cheese Cake, Lemon & Melon icecreams and everything with chocolate in it.
But one of the things I like most is travelling. That's why I did an Erasmus year. Before I die I have to go to: India (I really want to see the Taj Mahal), Japan, Australia, New York, California, Stockholm, Iceland... And, of course, I have to come back to Paris and Amsterdam.
If you want to know more about me just ask.
You can as well check my fotolog & Photo Album
Me as a dj:
Clubs where I have dj-ed:
Garaje Sónico (Malasaña/MAD)
Espiral Pop (Malasaña/MAD)
Undertone Bar (MAD)
Independance Club (MAD)
Metropolis Club (MAD)
Fotomatón (MAD)
Freeway (Malasaña/MAD)
Manamaná (Malasaña/MAD)
Polyester Bar (MAD)
Tres Cuartos Bar (Malasaña/MAD)
Polaroid @ Espiral Pop (Malasaña/MAD)
Fulfilled dreams as a dj: To have dj-ed in an important night of a club (The openning night of Metropolis and the first anniversary party of the Independance Club), to have dj-ed in such a mythical place as Freeway.
Dreams I still have to fulfill as a dj: To dj in an important festival (FIB, Summercase, etc), to dj in La Vía Lactea, to dj in other place rather than Madrid.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

More than meeting I would like to have some drinks with Liam Gallagher

My Blog

Échale un vistazo a este evento: ¡¡¡GRAN FIESTA PRE-EXAMS!!! (¡¡AHORA MÁS BARATA!!)

Encargado/aBettypop djCuándo:jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009Dónde:El Doblónc/ Juan Bravo, 35MadridDescripción:Como alguno de vosotros sabe, formo parte de la organización del X Encuentro Nacional de Estudi...
Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 06:40:00 GMT

Échale un vistazo a este evento: ¡¡¡GRAN FIESTA PRE-EXAMS!!! (¡¡AHORA MÁS BARATA!!)

Encargado/aBettypop djCuándo:jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009Dónde:El Doblónc/ Juan Bravo, 35MadridDescripción:Como alguno de vosotros sabe, formo parte de la organización del X Encuentro Nacional de Estudi...
Posted by on Tue, 12 May 2009 09:29:00 GMT

Échale un vistazo a este evento: ¡¡¡GRAN FIESTA PRE-EXAMS!!!

Encargado/aBettypop djCuándo:jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009Dónde:El Doblónc/ Juan Bravo, 35MadridDescripción:Como alguno de vosotros sabe, formo parte de la organización del X Encuentro Nacional de Estudi...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 16:15:00 GMT

Bettypop dj mañana viernes, 3 de Abril en POLAROID!!

Pues eso, moderneces y canciones cañís de las de toda la vida unidas gracias a las hábiles manos de Bettypop. ¡¡Todo un lujo a vuestro alcance!!Bettypop dj @ POLAROID (Espiral Pop)Viernes 3 de Abril, ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 11:16:00 GMT

Luis María Ansón comenta el concierto de los Killers en Madrid!
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:48:00 GMT

Alucina, vecina! fuerte, lo que pueden llegar a hacer las "grandes" empresas! Es una noticia antigua, del 2005, pero estas cosas nunca dejaran de sorprenderme....
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 07:19:00 GMT

Matemática recreativa

Una madre es 21 años mayor que su hijo, y dentro de 6 años, el hijo será exactamente 5 veces menor que la madre. PREGUNTA: ¿Donde está el padre?
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:21:00 GMT

Nueva cita con Bettypop dj: viernes 23 en el Independance!!

Pues eso, este viernes me tendreis dandolo todo a los platos del Independance. La dirección es:INDEPENDANCE CLUB (SALABOGUI)CALLE BARQUILLO, 29ESQUINA CON CALLE PIAMONTEZona Chueca,Alonso Martine...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 11:14:00 GMT


No os perdais por primera vez a Bettypop en el 3/4!! La cita será este sábado, 5 de abril, de 23 a 01’15h. Os espero!!
Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 18:38:00 GMT

Bettypop dj Bio (Español)

Apasionada de la música, así es como definiría a esta dj cualquier persona que se haya cruzado con ella alguna vez, y es que ya desde muy temprana edad, y por influencia de su padre, empezó a adquirir...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 04:30:00 GMT