I'd like to meet:
...AnYoNe and EvErYoNe...WhO LoVeS tO HaNg OuT, ChAt AnD LaUgH! I'D LoVe To MeeT PeOpLe WhO HaVe ThAt GeNuInE...HiLLaRiOUs...ChArIsMaTiC...ViBrAnT EnErGy!!!
A LiTlLe BiT oF EvErYtHiNg...It rEaLlY dEpEnDs On My MoOd aT tHe TiMe...fRoM Classical, Pop, Jazz, Gospel, Christian, Country, R & B, Rap, Hip-Hop...2...Some Punk & Metal, Rock, Oldies but Goodies, Latin, Kundimans...u NaMe iT!!!
LoViN iT: 2 Fast, 2 Furious, Shanghai Knights, Meet the Fockers, Lord of the Rings, Bad Boys, Along Came Polly, 13 Going on 30, Charlie's Angels...so basically, anything that has some intense action...something that will make me hee-hee...chick flicks, of course...anything that catches my attention...
~My FaMiLy~ ~My BeLoVeD FaTHeR of My SouL & My BLeSSeD MoTheR~