My interest in a girl, is that:
[1]She has the same interests as I do.
[2]To have a pure heart, to have kindness, to be respectful and also to have trust in a person. The one girl that likes to be with you in everyway possible.
[3]Now talking about together being there.. (For a love one) showing eachother that love, to that love one, love isn't saying to eachother I love you every second of the moment, love is showing that you love eachother for who he or she is, you love each other for the wonderful thing's, for the kindness that has been brought out to happiness, and for the thing that has be done for one another, to appreciate the love that has be given out, that is love.
[4]For eachother to have and disscusion without fighting, to talk courteously & respectful to each other when having a situation.
[5](Say & having a promises) this is a big thing, a promise, saying to eachother that I promise... is that you keep it within eachother's minds that is (trust).
[6]To be out going with eachother not with others to go out together or to go out together with others, not going out with friend that go out with defiant guys or one that bring's our relationship down, then what would be the reason for having eachother. Be fair with eachother that is why (YOU HAVE EACHOTHER)
[7]To forgive, to be able to forgive eachother 1,2,3, and sometimes 4 time, people do make mistakes they're not perfect, forgive and forget the situation. Don't put it in their face they do not like that. Not saying that you have to forgive them after they do it again then how can you trust him or her again, they will keep on doing it again and again. (That is forgiveness.)
[8]Yes my favorite number,(number 8 will be the second most important things in a Relationship)never lie, why lie? it's a horrible thing to do I believe that our god is watching us and what we do. He punishes the people that do bad things to one another and I truly believe that.
*In conclusion, I pray for our relationship, that is just me. I wish that one day I'll find that person that has the same interests that I do, that I do pray as well. Thank you for reading my love interest, love and peace to all that agree.
someone like me with so much love but not all the time,you need to study too as well and outgoing woman
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UFC!!! that right
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