Just to ride along with my friends in their scooters all the way heading towards the sky...
The Members of this silent Band from Sweden....
60's to 80's upto late 90's Music... like the Fiesta's Music,you'll hear them but you won't be able to see them...
Indipendent,Low budget,Obra Maestras,Documentary,Art,Musical films,Early&mid-80's,Concert videos etc.
Shows that cope's up with Music&reality that's all that i'could say..... ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor
.. This profile was edited with a shining Silverspoon heart,that was left in my room a few hours a while ago... Actually, I don't read too much.. sometimes..maybe books that are Historical,Extra-terestials,Biographies and The Bible???(I'm sorry,not that one)
All that are high-flying like mr.Penguin, Uncle Monkey and all of my beloved friends..