Anyone who can be theirself no matter who is around or where they are.Why miss an opportunity to meet someone in this lifetime you don't get a second chance. It's all up to you now isn't it?========== Live to Love, Love to Live, Start a fight If it's a good fight, Talk to strangers,(They can be interesting)... Be creative, Be loud, Laugh at everything good or bad, Help anyone in need, If you're in need, Help yourself, Stand up, Be strong, Take no shit, Take big risks, Have fun with what your doing or don't do it, Take what's yours, Give back what you can, Don't look back, Life is too short to get hung up on anything. TOMORROW WAS NEVER PROMISED! (C-A-U-T-I-O-N, is a word I could not understand---OI---)
Anything that has something real behind it.
HAHA! Best movie ever! You just dont know!
Discovery channel, speed channel and porn on demand. lol
I hate books however, I like to live life so people want to write books about me. lol
My Mom and Dad for always yelling at me. And never missing a race thank you for your support.. I love you both very much. and my little brother mark age 9 (this year anyway), for keeping me young.