~Alex~ profile picture


on the shelf in the room

About Me

hi my name is Alex im 42 hispanic and i live in Glendora affectionetly called G-town i'm here for friend's and if i could find someone to call my own cool if not oh well after all it is only the internet! i have two kids whom i love with all my heart! Veronica is 16 and Alex is 13. when i met my ex she had a four yr old daughter krystel who is now 22 and whom i still love like the other two! i spent 6 yrs in the military active and reserve combined! i did my basic at ft benning georgia, harmony church C-8-2 and then i was sent to korea where i was in the 2nd ID at camp Greaves HHC 1/9 inf where i was a DMZ police for 365 days after a stop at camp liberty bell A co 1/9 inf from there i was sent to ft Ord up in northern california hhc 7th inf hq comd (now closed) so i am a proud American and i will defend my flag although i must say i cannot stand our president he is a true Fucktard! i dont like Drama i hate to fight or argue so if your into Drama i'm not a good friend for you! i dont need another cold heart in my life so if you have one move on please if your a GUY please dont ask to be friends unless you know me already! i do Ac/Heating for a living so if you need work done on your home or business hit me up and i will be fair and all work is professionally done! i like the beach and the mountains and i guess you can say i like my music and i like sexy thing's

My Interests

my interest vary from the beach to the mountains! i like to go to the drags and whatever else is happening at the moment.. my dog nunu's woot woot he almost died and i saved his life so he is my little miracal.. and this is my other dog swag aka stupid guy (hey he humped his dad) when he was a puppy

I'd like to meet:

i guess i want to meet people who arent full of shit, dont lie, cheat or steal! everybody has there issue's but if there is one thing i cant stand is a tweeker so if that's you beat feet stupid! i'd like to meet the woman who can get to the center of a tootsie roll pop in three licks i want people who are down to earth genuine honest and willing to be a true friend because with me you'll have one, i'd like to find my soulmate but hey let's be realistic.. just like some men there are some scanless ass woman out there who are only in it for themself's i'm not really interested in that type of friend! i'm easy like a sunday morning and you should be too! i'd like to meet all the great indian chiefs and pass a peace pipe with them! i'd like to meet my mom again when all is said and done for me here on earth, i'd also like to see my brother again! but i dont think he made it to where my mom is! i think it's hot where he's at! i'd like to meet the president just to let him know what a big douch bag he is...


music is the voice of my soul and i listen to whatever im feeling at the moment..you can tell my mood by the song that is on my page..i'm into classic rock, blues, woman singers i dont like rap so much but i do like some soul music some spanish and some country so i like all kinds of music really this is really my truck in the army DMZ korea 1983 18 yrs old


i like action and horror movies but i also like wholesome movies as well anything worth watching really...


i like to watch the news and reality tv! i like all the crime shows and the car or bike shows but whatever it is i watch it has to keep my interest! when im really bored or i have a special lady with me it's time to watch the ant races..


ive read my share!


the only real heroes are dead!!!

My Blog

ugly america through a proud americans eyes!!!

let me just start by saying that i went to the rally and march today after discussing it with my daughter and son the night before! well in the morning we still felt it a worthy cause and after breakf...
Posted by ~Alex~ on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 10:53:00 PST