random convos that last forever, guys, laughing, movies, riding to endless wonders of the worlds or just around, singing, music, bubble baths, beach walks, sports, FOOTBALL, gossiping, partying, and just going with the flow! i am a really spontaneous person so going random places, doing randoom things and chilling with new people!
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kelly rippa, lindsey lohan, and eve pearl. and an actually descent guy every now and then
rascal flatts, nickleback, kelly clarkson, avril lavigne, 3 days grace, fallout boy, suthern bread, jessica simpson, rap, r
horror, comedy, romantic chick flix, and mystery movies. anne of green gables, tarzen,titanic, finding nemo, a babys day out, remember the titans, grease and a how to lose a guy in ten days!
dont really watch televizion, but i like random shows like CSI, desperate housewifes (the seasonals), wedding shows, the bachelor, and MTV..music videos lol?
not big on the hole reading thing unless its a danelle steel novel, cosmo, or interesting stories. BUT i do love me some trashy novels..lol
JESUS, jaklyn, mom and dad, opera, my brother, and anyone esle that i have learned from