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="Metal,Rock & Madonna (METALLICA, AC/DC, Pantera, OZZY, Iron Maiden, Slayer, System of the Down, Marilyn Manson, Gun n Roses, GUNS N' ROSES Likin Park, Lacuna Coil, Jimmy Hendrix, Joe Satriani, Joan Jet Joe Satriani, Stevie Vai), Lita Ford, Pink Floyd... etc. I like good music with good real freakin musicians !!!!
GIA,Closer,Almost Famouse,The Larmie Project, Boys Don't Cry, Who's That Girl, The Matrix, The Underworld, The Notebook, Corpses Bride, Beyond Borders, Chicago, Elephant, Napolione Dynomite,Ray,SWAT ....hmm there's a lot more I just don't feel like typin all of them...
The L-Word Queer as Folk, LOGO channel shows, Cowboy's Cheerleaders.... Friends, Will & Grace, The Osbournes, & some MTV
How I Learned to Drive (play/Paul Vogel), The Larmie Project (Play/Moises Koffman), The Golden Boy (play) Stop Kiss, ....etc