Dawn profile picture


Some say 'The glass is half empty,' some say 'The glass is half full'....I say, 'Are you going to dr

About Me

Got married in January of 2004 to a wonderful (and gorgeous) man named Sean. He has joined the Blue Angels, so we've just made the move to Pensacola, Florida. Of course, I'll miss all of my friends and family, but it's so wonderful to see Palm trees in December. We're looking forward to having our first baby, a boy, who is due in May! I love my friends and pity people whose creative imaginations sizzle out at slipping the F word into some generic phrase on their MySpace quote... I adore wine, although I'm in a phase where I can't drink it right now. No worries, though, I'm keeping tabs and fully intend to get my liver back into "shape" after Baby is born. TJ Maxx and Burlington Coat Factory are dear to me...places I go to spend a lot of money on nothing, but I feel good about it, because at least it was on sale. I spent four years in college, and spent most of that time really sick of it, and have probably retained about 3 percent of what I learned. Makes me excited to think that I'll spend the next twenty years paying off this invaluable information. I enjoy shoes (hell yeah for high heels, they always make me feel like I'm going some place), expensive imported cheese to nibble on while drinking not so expensive wine from Napa Valley, and people who don't leave their shopping carts all over the parking lot. That's what shopping cart depot's are for people!
Your Personality Profile
You are funky, outdoorsy, and down to earth.
While you may not be a total hippie...
You're definitely one of the most free spirited people around.
You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure.
However, you do put some thought behind all your actions.
Still, you do tend to shock and offend people from time to time! The World's Shortest Personality Test
Get your own photo slideshow!!!I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I am worth $2,712,160 on HumanForSale.com
How much are you worth?

My Interests

Hollywood celebrities (tmz.com, I sing your praises), sales, good friends, good times, good food, and moderately-priced alcohol...finding nutritional value in foods bought out of vending machines and in fast food restaurants, my cats, my laptop, getting through the day without embarassing myself...tangerines and stupid news. I one day hope to be more intersted in US News & World Report than US Magazine, while standing in line at the checkout at Food Lion. This goes hand in hand with wanting to make the world a better place for my soon to be born child, and then children, and then everyone else's children, while I'm thinking about it... sitting back and chilling out on a warm summer afternoon in my husband's arms while drinking a beer, card games and board games...I'm interested in the piano and knitting, although I do one poorly and the other not at all....starving artist sales where paintings go for 300 bucks...it's not cheap to feed an artist these days...
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Lil' Pearl Rambler Hillbilly Name Generator

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet with old friends...how ever hard they are to find while naming themselves Doe Eyes 297 on MySpace and using a photo of their pet chiwawa as their profile pic...


The Goo Goo Dolls, Bowling for Soup, The Gorillaz, Black Eyed Peas, The Fray, Enigma, Direstraits, Faith Hill, Rascall Flatts, Indigo Girls, Sarah M., Alana Davis, Madonna, Nickelback, the American Idol Gang - Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, oh and that Chris Daughtry is quite yummy (come on people, you know you don't change the radio station when they come on until you figure out that whoever it is on the radio was on American Idol...) Kenny Chesney, Journey, Aerosmith, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Matisyahu, Shakira, Gnarls Barkley...


Austin Powers (the first and third one...fat bastard was too disgusting to enjoy), The Notebook, Clerks & Dogma anything with Julia Roberts (yeah Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich!) in it, Mean Girls, Hotel Rwanda, Shrek, Meet the Fockers, Chicago, Ice Age, Harry Potter, Ocean's 11, Napoleon Dynamite (if he makes a sequal, I'm totally there), Thank You for Smoking, Very Annie Mary, Jerry MacGuire, Pride & Prejudice, Dogma, Brigette Jone's Diary, The Diary of a Mad Black Woman, DodgeBall & Anchorman, Ace Ventura & Liar Liar, Big Daddy & Spanglish


Oprah, Greys Anatomy, Desperate Housewives (I love those feisty bitches), 90210 & Saved by the Bell reruns, Friends, CSI, and American Idol.


The Devil Wears Prada, 100 Years of Solitude, The Catcher in the Rye, anything by Jennifer Weiner, Cat's Cradle, Where the Sidewalk Ends & The BFG, A Lesson Before Dying, The Sound and the Fury,


My mother, my husband, our troops, Oprah Winfrey, Janitors (they get no love), and children (if they don't save this planet, who will?)

My Blog

Grey's Anatomy

Dude - I can't believe that Meredith slept with George! Took advantage of the poor guy...I mean, we all have needs, but SERIOUSLY!    ...
Posted by Dawn on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:41:00 PST