Collaboration and recording began in February of 2004 with Jay Murphy of Pontchartrain Studios in Chapel Hill, North Carolina after I returned from Europe sans Ann Lee.In 2003 Omerta brought together the good peoples Ann, Geoff, Mike, and myself although rampant dislocation got the best of our time. An Omerta recording with Jay and a year later Ann gives her two sense to two stints with project Heiress and then flys away again.The self-titled album 'Heiress of an Incomplete Mind' is now available for $8 postage paid through Be Recca Records. For questions email heiressofanincompletemind@gmail.comTrack Listing: 1. Inherit 2. The Golden Fault 3. Mechta 4. The Sensualist 5. About a Sun 6. Ghost Social 7. Infinite Eye of Maeda 8. To Sleep in NamenHere is a link to a collaboration with filmmakers Cole Craven and Mike Urdaneta on an original soundtrack to their short
The Apartment 261 14th St.
Check out this smarmy romantic comedy. Watch it with someone you've duped into loving you. If you're lucky you'll get a few episodes.UPDATE! July 2007Heiress of an Incomplete Mind is currently narrowing down tracks for an anticipated EP Length release, and continues to have even more surprises up her hairless sleeves. Teasers to be uploaded soon that will make your heart swoon. ox -Rebecca