Heiress of an Incomplete Mind profile picture

Heiress of an Incomplete Mind

About Me

Ghost Social
Collaboration and recording began in February of 2004 with Jay Murphy of Pontchartrain Studios in Chapel Hill, North Carolina after I returned from Europe sans Ann Lee.In 2003 Omerta brought together the good peoples Ann, Geoff, Mike, and myself although rampant dislocation got the best of our time. An Omerta recording with Jay and a year later Ann gives her two sense to two stints with project Heiress and then flys away again.The self-titled album 'Heiress of an Incomplete Mind' is now available for $8 postage paid through Be Recca Records. For questions email heiressofanincompletemind@gmail.comTrack Listing: 1. Inherit 2. The Golden Fault 3. Mechta 4. The Sensualist 5. About a Sun 6. Ghost Social 7. Infinite Eye of Maeda 8. To Sleep in NamenHere is a link to a collaboration with filmmakers Cole Craven and Mike Urdaneta on an original soundtrack to their short

The Apartment 261 14th St.

Check out this smarmy romantic comedy. Watch it with someone you've duped into loving you. If you're lucky you'll get a few episodes.
UPDATE! July 2007Heiress of an Incomplete Mind is currently narrowing down tracks for an anticipated EP Length release, and continues to have even more surprises up her hairless sleeves. Teasers to be uploaded soon that will make your heart swoon. ox -Rebecca

My Interests


Member Since: 21/11/2004
Band Website: coming soon...
Band Members: Music makers: Rebecca Peterson, Jay Murphy, Ann Lee.
Influences: A Place to Bury Strangers, Adult, Air, Akron Family, The Album Leaf, Animal Collective, Ann Lee, Arab Strap, The Arcade Fire, At the Drive-In, Baroque, Bauhaus, Beauty Pill, Beck, Ben Gibbard, Bjork, The Black Heart Procession, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Blonde Redhead, Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Boris, Boycrazy, Bright Black Morning Light, Built to Spill, Cat Power, Charlene, !!!, Converge, The Cramps, The Cure, Damien Jurado, Dan Deacon, Danielson Family, David Bowie, Des Ark, Devo, Dixie Dirt, Don Cabellero, Echo and the Bunnymen, The Elephant Six Collective, Elliot Smith, Enon, The Faint, The Fiery Furnaces, Fiona Apple, Fugazi, Ghosts and Vodka, Godspeed! you black emperor, Grizzly Bear, harmonics, Hella, Her Space Holiday, Ida, Idaho, Iron and Wine, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Joan of Arc, Joanna Newsom, Joy Division, Julie Doiron, The Kills, Kings of Convenience, Kraftwerk, Ladytron, Lemko Hall, Leonard Cohen, The Locust, Low, Lullaby for the Working Class, M83, The Magnetic Fields, The Makeup, Mary Timony, Matmos, Matt Pond, Merge Records, Metric, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, Robert MOOG, The Mountain Goats, Mum, My Bloody Valentine, Negativland, Neil Young, Neon Hunk, New Order, Nick Drake, noise and static, Oneida, Peaches, the piano, The Pixies, Pleasure Forever, +/-, Portishead, Prospekt, Pulp, Quasi, Radiohead, The Rapture, Ratatat, Refused, early R.E.M., Rumah Sakit, Saddlecreek, Schneider TM, The Sea and Cake, Sebadoh, Serena Maneesh, Shannon Wright, Shellac, Sigur Ros, Sixteen Horsepower, Slowdive, The Smiths, The Softies, Songs Ohia, Sonic Youth, Sonna, Souxsie & the Banshees, Sun O))), Stereolab, Sybarite, The Talking Heads, Tara Jane O'Neil, taut strings, Television, Tortoise, T-Rex, Tristeza, Ume, The Velvet Underground, The Walkmen, Wovenhand, Yann Tierson, Yo La Tengo...
Sounds Like: an amalgam
Record Label: Elephant Shoes Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


I'm exhausted. 2 weeks or something like that left of this semester. I filmed my first scripted short on 4/12 and edited together a rough cut for a project deadline. I will be working with my producti...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 23:57:00 GMT

Projects in Progress

I want to post news about a few projects currently in production.All of my work is now associated with Elephant Shoes Productions. I'm working on an official website where I can host all of my work, i...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Mar 2009 12:33:00 GMT

The Neighbors

Here's a link to the latest video I've put together in under 48 hrs.I've been working at an intensely fast pace, which is both good and badfor opposite reasons. Forced output under strict deadlines do...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:24:00 GMT

Rebecca's Videos on Vimeo

Hey all,Checkout my video of Asheville's Forty Furies in the studio at UNC Ashevilleon February 10th, 2009. Aside from various technical challengesexperienced on my end, I've concluded that Forty ...
Posted by on Wed, 18 Feb 2009 15:06:00 GMT

Music video for The Memory in Vitro + more...

School is finished. I'm on "break" for a month, which translates to, I get to work on more projects.First, a music video for "Mechta" by The Memory in Vitro (my collaboration with Javi from Boy in Sle...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 22:46:00 GMT

Recording in studio...

...means live piano tracks. I am recording a song in UNCA's recording studio, engineered by Paul Blackwell, and will be finished in a couple of weeks. The song "Swell Ocean" was only performed once a...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 05:11:00 GMT

New track "Inside Knots Tied"

Here is an unmastered preview of music from the anticipated album A Soft Machine, hopefully to be out in late 2008. Enjoy. -Rebecca
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 23:49:00 GMT

Good News...check it.

Heiress of an Incomplete Mind (aka Rebecca) is collaborating with Boy In Sleep (aka Javi's (Kings of Prussia) solo project) and much goodness is happening. More to come including new songs to be poste...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 13:37:00 GMT

A brief history of time-spanning

Nearly a year and I've written nothing to my three fans. There is something happening. Rebecca decided to grow up and go back to school, which is going swimmingly thus far. Of course schoolage involve...
Posted by on Fri, 18 May 2007 14:21:00 GMT

Makeover! (includes before and after photos!)

So Rebecca decided that returning to Asheville, NC warranted some special grooming.    Check out what Asheville has to offer.THE MAKEOVER that cost only $10,530 and Rebecca's twinkie ex go...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 21:14:00 GMT