MJW profile picture


there are only two directions, this way & that way

About Me

Well I have three of the best friends that a person could ever have. Mike, Frank and Jason have exceeded any earthly friendship one would hope to have. Mike is filled with life and I have found his sincerity second to no one on this earth. Frank is filled with wisdom and has a unique ability to challenge the institutions that have been set in place. Jason has the ability to give anyone anything at anytime, and I trust him with my life. These friends have challenged me to be a better person and have helped shape my life into what I am becoming and will become. I am well aware that this tid bit is supposed to represent who I am, and on some terms I have missed the point. But these are the men that I hang with and strive to be like, and hopefully by knowing who I surround myself with, you could catch a glimpse of who I am.

My Interests



Current Reading:
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World
Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming -Paul Hawken
Dropping The Ball -Dave Winfield
Velvet Elvis -Rob Bell
Banker to the Poor -Muhammed Yunus
Soul Cravings -Erwin McManus

Choosing to Cheat -Andy Stanley