I am still interested in trying for SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection). That would be the only way I stayed in the Army. Other than that I just want to start a family someday, and live a happy life.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I'd like to meet Dane Cook and party with him for a day. That would be a riot. Will Farrell wouldn't be bad either. I'd also like to meet General Schoomaker, Oh wait I already have. The last person I'd like to meet is Sandra Bullock oh yeah I said it.
I like music that motivates me. Depending on the situation. Music Video: 300 (by Movie Trailers)
Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Comedies are my movies.
Family Guy. Seinfield. Sportscenter
My heroes include a number of people. They are the people that are behind the scenes in all areas of life. They are the ones who sacrifice there whole lives to something that they believe in no matter what the outcome. Heroes are afraid and get scared and cry and bleed and sweat. They have moments of weakness and fail more than they succeed, but they always drive on through the pain and fear and blood, sweat, and tears, because out of all their sacrifice comes love.