Fast cars, good sushi, new books, learning how to be a better cook (no, I'm not fully domesticated)
A Boy Named Sue. You figure out the context. A free nanny service. The person who invented rubber bands. Me at 5 years old, I'd give myself some advice about life! A library open 24/7/365 just for me.
I've decided that the best stuff was put out in the 80's and early 90's. Why do I keep gravitating to bands like Roxette, They Might be Giants, Jellyfish, Butthole Surfers, Radiohead, and classics like Queen, Petty, Eagles, and Johhny Cash? With the occassional Garth Brooks or Scorpions thrown in for flavor, it's all good ol' boys and favorites from the past!
I'm working my way through Matt's DVD Collection. I've been tending to quote things from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Wizard of OZ and, just for kicks, the Dave Chappel Show. There's Something about Mary keeps catching my eye. Classics: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Princess Bride, Planes, Trains and Automobiles
If it's nature, science or crime drama I'll watch it. Same goes for Aqua Teen, Futurama and late-night Comedy Central. I'm going season-by-season through The West Wing (Martin Sheen ROCKS!!!) and need to start into Boston Legal, who can resist that cast?!
Why do I seem to be drawn to trashy murder mysteries? Just junk food for the mind, I guess! And Bethany- thank you for all the thought-provoking women's lit. Matt seems thoroughly confused as to how I can read as many of your selections as I do, and not turn into one of those "feminists". (How is he missing the boat on this one?!) Some of my all-time favorite books/authors... Joseph Heller (Catch 22 is funny as hell), Anne McCaffery (for the sci-fi fix)... let's see... "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn", Fyodor Dostoevsky, Wally Lamb, Frank McCourt, Ayn Rand, "Blindness", "Midnight's Children", Jules Verne,
None, unless you count Joan of Ark and she was a whack-job. Although the movie depicting her really does justice. And Martha Stewart, that bitch has it all!!