I Lo0oo0VE lo0oooVE my many digital cameras that i have. I bring it every where and take pictures of anything and everything!!I LOooVE to travelDiscover Explore EscapeNext stop ??
ASIA 2008: Cant wait Hong Kong, China, Thailand & Vietnam here we come bab
EUROPE for (2009)My goal by the end of this year is to complete the Big Sur half Marathon. =D
I love my baby sister O ranga TRANG and LiNNiE DO DO head, they are my BESTEST BeStest of BESt!!! When we are together its nothing but food, shop, GREY GOOSE, REMY... HENNY food, SakE..food SHOP, shop and tons of endless laughter Lots of kodak and BlOnde MomenTs!
- IcE GrEeN MiLk TeA w/PeaRLs @ sweetea!!
- Star Bucks XTra IcE lite CaRMeL MaCcHIaTo
- FaMiLy TiME
- KoDaK MoMeNts
- sLeEp
- PeDiCuRes
- MaNiCuRes
- MiCrO D
- HiGh HeeLS
- MaKe Up
- OveR SiZed DeSigNer HandBaGs
- Go0d SkInCare
- SunScreen 50+
- ChApStIcK
- My CHi
- LOuNgE/BaR
- EatiNg Out
- DeSserts
- ImPulse SpLurge
- RoaD TrIps
- BeIng OrGanIzEd
- LaUgH
- BeIng G0oFy
- SePhoRa
- TarGet
I am truly blessed with the unconditional love and encouragement from my wonderful family and friends.
My FaMiLy