*ThE DJ, BJ!!! profile picture

*ThE DJ, BJ!!!

i GoT PoT oN mY HeAd BuT DoN't CaLL mE a PoThEaD!

About Me

*Hi my name is Brandi Jo and im a Freshman at Blinndergarden!!!! whooo Go Bucs!!! Peace Love and Brandi!!!*...... Things I Love...... Dallas Mavericks, Jacob’s Well, Rollercoaster Road, Pulling Alnighters, Being a Rebel, Nightly Gatherings, Hippies, Peace, Laughing until I cry, roadies, Roadtrips, Visualizers, trying new things, Doing Random Shit, Music, Concerts, ACL, Bob Marley Fest, The Hill, The Button, Blue Swing Partys, Team Meetings, The Rupples, Dressing up, Urban Outfitters, Austin TX, Playin Pool, Exploring, The First Kiss, Snowboarding, Peaceful Easy Feelings, Trampolines, Tumbling, Soccer, Being Dazed and Confused, Imitating Birds, Smiling, Windows Rolled Down, Dancing in the Rain, Eagles Nest, Party Trains, Beer Pong, Circle of Death, Shotgunin Beers, Dodge Pong, Flip Cup, Being A Pro, Shake and Bake, Trickin People, Scaring ppl, Summer Time, Smell of Rain, Life Changin Experiences, Yeager Bombs, The Bomb.com, Hookah Bar, Look up Game, Trust Falls, Clouds, Elephants, Plants, Chilling, All Movies, Snowmans, Butterfly Gardens, The 60s & 70s, Forever 21, Naming Pipes, and Cars, Operation O, The 6-15s, Spring Break, High times, MySpace, FaceBook, Opening a Cold 1, New CDs, The Exchange, My Family, GQ Spot, Morning Runs, Mt. Baldy, Being Nervous, Being Excited, Funny ppl, Fuck the Dealer, School, Chinese Food, The OC, Entourage, Throwing Darts, New Years, Supper Bowl, Birthdays, Golf Pros and Tennis Hoes, Blacka and White Party’s, Fiesta’s, Cinco de Mayo, Crusin, Sleeping, Makin a Toast, 4:20, Pictures, Scrapbooking, Text Messaging, Keg Stands, Stealing Lighters, Smog Outs, Unpredictable, Old DQ Crew, Halloween Party’s, Winter Break, Toga’s, Keystone Light, Girls Night Out Summer Breeze, Water, Beer Stance, Wine Stance, The Salt Lick, Lake Houses....... ect*......*"A Couple of shots a day, take the sorrows away"*..... . *"I wake up every morning and i piss excellence, i shit talent"*..... . *"I could smoke ten bowl of you darling and i would still be on my feet"*..... . *"Hand are for helping not hitting, Palms are for pimpin not pushing"*..... . *"Dont worry about a thing b/c every little this is goin to be alright"*..... . *"Life's a rollercoaster b careful not to spill your drink"*..... . *"You can it!!! if you want to live in Agora fucking Hills and go to group therapy but if you want to live in a Beverly Hills mansion, go to a privat therapist, and live in a tuscan villa nine weeks out of the year then im gonna need to take a phone call when it comes in at noon on a MOTHER FUCKING WEDNESDAY!"*..... . *"And you can tell Rolling Stone magazine that my last words were... I'm on drugs!!!"*..... . *"Never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit all your friends.”*..... . *"Have you ever confused a dream with life? Or stolen something when you have the cash? Have you ever been blue? Or thought your train moving while sitting still? Maybe I was just crazy. Maybe it was the 60's. Or maybe I was just a girl... interrupted.”*..... . *"Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man."*..... . *"Yeah. I figure if I study high, take the test high, get high scores! Right???"*..... .*"America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed. -Eleanor Roosevelt, 1936"*..... . *"I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-Shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party."*..... . *"I'm starvin... let's get some fuckin french toast!!!"*..... . *"Yeah, I remember that girl, she was a hoe... for sho"*...... *"I'M tired of these mother fuckin SNAKES on my mother fuckin PLANE!!!"*........src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b7/ mark41185/mark%20and%20bob/contact.gif"..
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My Interests

Austin love's dick!!!! i love cheerleading, hangin' out w. my 7 WHORES, movie nights, THE OC!!, and lotz and lotz of other shiot!

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My Blog

The best riddle ever!!! ha

What Am I?If yhou look, you cant see meIf you see me, you cannot see anything elseI can make you walk if you cantSometime i speak the truthAnd Sometimes i lieIf i lie, I am nearer the truthWhat am i??...
Posted by *ThE DJ, BJ!!! on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:35:00 PST

90's Kid!!!

You're a 90's kid if: You can finish this [ice ice _ _ _ _ ] You remember watching Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Pinky and the Brain, and Two Stupid Dogs. AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! You've ever ended a se...
Posted by *ThE DJ, BJ!!! on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 07:59:00 PST