Libertines, Dropkick Murphys, Ramones, BreakBeat DrumnBass Mukke, Johnny Cash, NWA, Corus86, Clueso, Cypress Hill, Eins Zwo, Black Sabbath, The Spooky Kids
Clockwork Orange, Kung Pow, The Godfather, Idiocracy, Waynes World, Scary Movie, Bill & ted, Adam Sandler Movies, American Pie, Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Stand by Me, Beavis & Butthead do it in America, Jackass, Human Traffic,Adrenanlin Crew , Cheech and Chong , Scarface,Forrest Gump, Dawn of the Dead,HipHop Hood,Football Factory , Romper stomper, Texaas, Zurück in die zukunft, Ghostbusters , From dusk till dawn, Crazy White Boys, Dirty Sanchez, Adrenaline Crew,
Miami Ink , Monster Garage , American Choppers, X-Faktor, Twilight Zone, Totally Busted, Simpsons, Scrubs, Malcolm Mittendrin , Alle Hassen Chris, Mtv Made, South Park , FuSSball, Neds Ultimativer Schulwahnsinn, Drake & Josh, Kleine Strolche, Ren und Stimpy, I Love Ny 8)
Stalingrad,Die Brücke,Marilyn Manson Biogrphie:D, Der geplante Tod, Das Shining,Der Pate
deine mamaA.MLocc DoggTerrenceBeavisWayne CampbellDoug funnyArnoldJesse jamesCookieCrazy SteveKrabbyAlfalfaNed B.