i consider myself a very creative person
its shown in my writing && scrap booking && ability to play the flute ♥..i know, biggest nerd ever..
i like all kinds of musicany genre or era
just as long as it sounds good && ties into my life its awesome&& if ur ever around me while a song is playing watch out
cause i prob know it && chances are i won't sing it well
i love several movies
bien a biggieHorror movies && comedies are cool too
and can't forget those corny chick flicks ♥
across the universe
a lot like love
alice in wonderland
anywhere but here
garden state
little miss sunshine
donnie darko
l ultimo bacio
the last kiss
the sandlot
the science of sleep
stranger than fiction
running with scissors
pans labyrinth
the wedding singer
tumble weeds
where the heart is
Robot Chicken!
how its made
the magician's nephew bridge to terabithia death be not proud the hobbit memoirs of a geisha spider-man comics the amazing spider-man the little matchstick girl the little mermaid