.amanda profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i'm itching to move to chicago.
i want to be an event planner or work in the entertainment industry.
i want to be photographed.
justin and i will own a record label one day soon.
i'm a hopeless romantic.
i think i'm a good writer.
i want to own an avocado farm when i retire.
i watch two episodes of the golden girls every night before bed.
i'm insanely seasonal.
i can't wait to get married and have babies.
i'm turning into my mom more and more everyday.
i tend to stick to anything perennial... as much as i may complain about "the same old shit", i need repetition, a routine.
and its always nice to have someone to build that routine with <3

My Interests

marlboros. converse. thrift stores. screaming. cartoons. hands. clapping. writing. documentation. music. logic problems & crosswords. car rides. coffee.

I'd like to meet:

cool cats ((who have a funny way of l<3ving me))
IM: sictransitseraph


elliott smith.
circle takes the square.
alkaline tiro.
blood brothers.
flaming lips.
at the drive-in.
bad religion.
sunset rubdown.
rainer maria.
the donkeys.
black dahlia murder.
yeah yeah yeahs.
the like young.
exploding hearts.
hey mercedes.
beastie boys.
murder city devils.
built to spill.
cat power.
saves the day.
matt and kim.
modest mouse.
martha wainwright.
violent femmes.


harold and maude. thumbsucker. shortbus. pulp fiction. edward scissor hands. pan's labyrinth. spirited away. little miss sunshine. knocked up. true romance. rules of attraction. fight club. cecil b. demented.


LOST. golden girls. BRAVO reality. nat'l geographic junky. medium.


hitchikers guide to the galaxy. the perks of being a wallflower. killing yourself to live. paris trance. midnight in the garden of good and evil. the fuck up. yoga for people who cant be bothered to do it. god bless you, dr. kavorkian.


jim carry. patricia arquette.

My Blog

I am FREAKN going to New Zealand

Consider this my Official Announcement of Departure from the States.On July 2, I will be traveling 20 hours over land and sea (satiated by Xanax no doubt) until I arrive on the opposite side of the gl...
Posted by .amanda on Sat, 31 May 2008 07:15:00 PST

feedback / words of encouragement are appreciated.

Wow- I haven't written a blog in oh, 3 yrs. However, recent circumstances (such as being bed-ridden) have motivated the flow of my typing juices. I suppose I will take this opportunity to narrate the ...
Posted by .amanda on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:27:00 PST

. columbus

here i am. i need you people back home. i talk about you every night and how much i love you.
Posted by .amanda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

thats what she said,.

this is my friend: coldfire plus 5: i love playing dress up... coldfire plus 5: damnit did i just say that coldfire plus 5: ::looks around:: coldfire plus 5: noone else saw it coldfire plus 5...
Posted by .amanda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


we are all weighted down with worries. the superficies of our lives seem content while our interiors are ripping themselves alive. to comfort our wounds, we resort to scapegoats; only to reiterate to ...
Posted by .amanda on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST