What I like is...
listening to music
making songs and writing poetry
hanging out with friends
doing yard work and picking up sticks from the willow tree (its my fav)
Reading JtHM..or anything my Johnen vasquez
making comics of my own
SAN SOO! (thats right, look it up)
my pet mouse
fixing things
making films
sitting in the rain
looking out at the moon at night and wondering who is looking back
reiki hands on healing
Doing things to make people smile
studying strangers and making stories about them in my head...I may be your therapist someday
foreign films
dreaming my life forward
Also i love hipbones, shoulder blades, watching people in the movie theater and trying to figure out what they would be like,...i am a vegetartian....i like to make up personalities for people i see on the street....i like to do little pranks on strangers (like putting scarfs on thoughs strange geese old ladies have) i love cloths from resale shops and trying all of my inner-selves
What I hate is
nothing really
ummm what a strange question....
both of my grandfathers who died before I was born
jesus so I can ask him what he thinks about crazy christians who formed a religion around him
buddha so i can ask him if i really have to sit in that very uncomfortable position for enlightenment
some of the manson cult people cuz they are some very interesting people-keep them at a healthy distance with a silence of the lambs muzzle please
Johnen vasquez
jim morrison
curt cobain
the geico lizard
what a weird fucking thing to ask...
myself in another incarnation
.oh and that god guy i have some questions.....
.....i like indie and grunge and alternative...cobain...a lil bit of everything...even bluegrass.......music helps my life dance along....
Any Tim Burton moveis and indie films..foreign flicks............amile....delacatesa ...scary movies of all types...the bridge...breakfast at tiffany's....
cartoons....six feet under....viva la bam....jackass....family guy..futuroma......house...SIMPSONS...and I really really really love One Tree Hill!!...
FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC! lol thats all im sayin
YOU! lol hmm Maleeha!(shes an angel you know) and ..well im waiting around for my angel...^_^