I am no MORE no LESS!!! profile picture

I am no MORE no LESS!!!

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

As a woman should I be Soft, Tender, Comforting and Angelic.
Am I to be what every man need want but not what desire to be.
Am I strange because I am different?
What is normal? What is a €œNormal Women€??
Who is she? Do I know her? Is she a certain shape or height?
Does she speak her mind or she meek and willing?
Is that attractive? Is that what is desired?
If that is true than I am Undefined. My organs only classify me.
My personality and my stature have no relevance.
I have no outward statement. I live for know one but MYSELF
If I am desired, it is because of that person€™s personal preference.
Not because I have changed to meet their requirements
If you don€™t, don€™t comment or try to change me.
I am ORIGINAL, which is how I want to be and how I intend to stay.
THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON TO ME IS ME!!!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

Days & hours can't separate the thoughts..
The days just move on
The hours just go by
Needs sustain our lives
But they have yet to feed the soul
Wonder what the next day is to bring
The needs consume the hours
Days go by
Can't help but wonder
How is it supposed to be
As seconds go by and the hours end
When will the needs lead to happiness
Will they ever be more
The minutes go by to complete the day
Unsatisfied the soul is at rest
The need is never ending-less unhappiness
To begin again...
"My eye's are the window's into my soul"
Since you can't see my eyes I've putsome of my thoughts in writing...
Reading about how i have felt & how youcan make me feel is the second way... .
To know me is to luv me...
{that'sonly if you want to}
My Tatt's!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Out On The Town

Each day i wake up and i know exactly what i want out of life
I get out of bed & go about my day saying what i want again & again in my head
But it seems that at the end of my day i still have the same i had when i woke
I'm just a day older & a day closer to the end
One day to wake up
I want to get WHAT i want...
I want to get WHO i want...
At the end of the day when i lay my head on my pillow once again have a smile on my face

My Blog

Everyday is a Struggle

Everyday is a struggle. There aren't that many little things that make me happy anymore I don't know what has happened I don't know if there is anything I can do Just waiting for things to get better...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:10:00 GMT

The DAY & After

I have surpassed the day and am I all the better for it? One romance novel read & a sandwich eaten, another day was lived Was it supposed to be different form any other day? I am sure some pe...
Posted by on Sat, 31 May 2008 17:26:00 GMT

y im still MRS {just to clarify}

Every year at this time for that last 3 years I do this kind of mental COUNT DOWN..Anyone who really knows me thinks it is funny but hey everyone has somethingWell it will be 5 years since "THE" day A...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 06:02:00 GMT

About me...

You know I can say that I am pretty str8 forward When I like you.... You know it When I don't like you You know it AND If you happen to be 1 of those few people that are just no longer relevant to m...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 16:25:00 GMT


NOW!! I say you know.. WHY? Cause you read what i wrote.. Now i say give me what i want.. LOL.. Call me i'm ready... I know i am trust me..  Ha Ha!!   ************ "& so i write &a...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 16:38:00 GMT


I am currently trying to decide if I like to be ignorantly happy or informed and depressed... Lol I know that most people don't think about these things but at the moment I am being thoughtful... I me...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:55:00 GMT

YES. YEs.. Yes..

What about it makes me want it... What about it makes me need it... If all it was about was the moment I would have a lot of those wouldn't I? We would have a lot of those wouldn't WE? When I want it ...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 19:37:00 GMT


SO many things run thru my mindso many times i think of what i wanted...i wanted oi wantedYOU made me dream of how i wanted things to be how i wanted to feel how you made me feeleverytime i wanted it ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 19:43:00 GMT

what i am thinking

I am actually thinking what you knowAnd YesIt is true&Its funnyThen again maybe I’m just funnyI haven’t felt the need O maybe I haven’t need to feelI got this itch I need scratched ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 18:00:00 GMT

i guess this is if for now...

& SOooo i go thru this everytime and i say once again..   "Why Me?" I am not dissatisfied with my life i have more then most people but sometime i just want the love, the tenderness, the...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 20:25:00 GMT