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..About Me.. HOMBRE Magazine

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This site is dedicated to those people who are willing to take risks and try to better themselves, knowing that "giving up" is not an option. After all, the biggest risk is not taking one at all.
I guess a lot of my success is owed to the love, encouragement and education my parents provided for me, but most of all, most of my success is owed to all the friends, acquaintences and experiences I have encountered along the way. There was a turning point in my life though, and that was when I joined the Marines. I joined the Marines back in 1989, shortly after my unit was activated for Desert Storm. I went to Quantico Virginia for OCS (Officer Candidate School), PLC training (Platoon Leader..s Course) to become an air officer (pilot). While in training I met a lot of interesting individuals, who I can say "I would jump in front of that bullet for them". Some made it and some didn..t, 85 started the training and only 12 of us graduated. After completing the training and being pinned the "butter bars" I came back to New York and shortly after I was in a car accident which terminated my career as a US Marine pilot.
I thought my life was over. Little did I know that the accident was going to change my life forever. You see, if I would be flying right now, you would not be reading this. Only 20 and not knowing what to do, I started hustling for money selling copier machines from door to door. I saved up enough money and bought one of the copier machines that I used to sell for the company I worked for, opened up a "copy center" in Queens and went to business on my own. I even opened up a company in Brazil.
I started making copies for lawyers, doctors and others. Eventually I was getting orders for business cards, invitations, some print jobs and designs. I wasn..'..t a printer nor a designer, but I saw the potential in it. To make a long story short, I moved to Manhattan and opened up a graphics company on 22nd St and 5th Ave. The company did so well, making designs for artists such as Marc Anthony, Tito Puente, Enrique Iglesias, record labels such as SONY, Universal, RMM, making sales above 1/4 of a million dollars that I decided to take the next step and buy a press and hopefully triple that amount. It was not a little press, it was a 1/2 million dollars press. I was the 17th one to have that kind of press and the first latino to own it at the time. My company, Sevilla Graphics , came out in newspapers such as the Daily News (full page article) and many others, I was even a guest speaker for the Department of Defense.
I became very heavily involved in the music industry and eventually became a GRAMMY voting member for having my work (designs) published. done 2 international concerts in venues as big or bigger than Madison Square Garden. But, in spite of all the success my company attained, I was sure that there was an easier way to make the same amount of money or more, hence, (Coming Soon) is a site whose main purpose is to help people obtain their financial independence. It..s easy, affordable and the best of all is that anyone can do it right from their home. I work about 3 to 4 hours per day average. I do everything from my home computer (I have no employees) and make money even on the weekends without doing a thing.
"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don..t quit." - Conrad Hilton
"Don..t be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was." - Unknown
"Success is not so much to be measured by accomplishments one achieves, Success should be measured by all the obstacles a person must overcome to obtain Success" - Booker T. Washington

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