Ballet. Painting. I like riding my bike (I put ET on the front). I pick up pennies and pretend they are lucky. I like to talk on the phone for long periods of time. NOT going to school. I make fun of mean people. I like to help people. And make them laugh. I wish upon stars. And play Tetherball like it's my job. I'm often lost in the right side of my brain. I bleed Coca Cola classic. And unlike a lot of people, I like Michigan weather.
People who can dance.
Just not better than me.
I only listen to music that gives me the urge to eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Spiderman 1&2, West Side Story, Beauty and The Beast(yes), Home Alone 1&2, The Breaskfast Club, BILLY ELLIOT --(everyone should watch it at least once.) and if you don't like should probably just not talk to me anymore.
Jay, Conan, Project Runway, That 70's Show, Nocturnal State, Video Wake up, Grey's Anatomy, Friends.
The ones my mom reads to me before bedtime. My favorite is Goodnight Moon.
Andy Warhol.