I can be hard as hell, mean as hell. people that know, that really know me ,know this. but man i got so much love inside my heart for certain things. it doesnt mattter how hard you are or how hard the world sees you as. that tough exterior melts and makes the biggest and baddest cry when those you love the most do something special it doesnt matter what others tell the ones you love or tell anyone about you. it those times your alone with your loved ones when you dont have to be hard in this world, when you aint gotta be gangsta.you will provide at any cost for your loved ones. when they say i need it now you just make it happen right then right now and thats what counts! with your kids it dont matter you love them unconditionally! you will lie for them,steal for them go to bat for them, take a charge for them, YOU WILL KILL FOR THEM! those are your babies grown or small it dont matter what thats my seed. mine! love is and always will be without borders! no matter where you are no matter what you are doing if i love you, you know it. people that know me know im a florida thunderstorm i blow up quick and powerful and i rage for a few minutes and then its done almost as soon as it starts. it may not be healthy but it is what it is! damn as a man its hard to apologize even more so to those you love the most but no matter i think one of the most important things is availability, when they need you be ready to ride!!!!!!!
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