beard growth. super smash bros. melee. peanut butter and playing bass
Pantera - Faith No More - Jamiroquai - Cannibal Corpse - Cult Of Luna - Suffocation - Dimmu Borgir - Darkest Hour - At The Gates - Necrophagist - Stevie Wonder - Nile - Opeth - Dream Theater - Johnny Truant - Arsis - and at the moment im listening to the faceless - akeldama.. some old primus. some new primus. al green, stevie wonder, skynard. the usual
die hard, die hard 2 : die harder, die hard with a vengence, predator, predator 2, alien, aliens, alien 3, indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark, indiana jones and the temple of doom, indiana jones and the last crusade, terminator I and II, ghostbusters I and II, star wars I (wasnt that bad)II III IV V VI, the kevin smith movies. JURASSIC PARK! JURASSIC PARK: THE LOST WORLD!! JURASSIC PARK III!!!
discovery channel. too many good shows. like mythbusters! and american chopper! i am so lame.. and [Adult Swim] (but only Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Metalocalypse (Dethkløk rule!), The Brak Show, Robot Chicken, The Venture Brothers and maybe sealab 2021.. tom goes to the major sucks!)
Jurassic Park! and a lot of tom clancy, robert ludlum and douglas adams. H.P. Lovecraft. Lords of Chaos, the bloody rise of the satanic metal underground by michael moynihan and didrik soderlind - thanks ager!!
brian wilson, alex webster, les claypool, nathan watts, stuart zender and this dude.also, anyone who's awesome!