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How much are we alike??
Pick one of the following....Old School, Bunji Jumping, Cars
Breakfast Club, Aggro Skating, Drawing
Dr. 90210, Botox, Fake Boobs
Family Guy, Stewie, Death
School of Rock, Beer Pong, Sexy Girls
Abercrombie & Fitch, Shopping, Flip Flops
Brooke Hogan, WWE, Nick
Summer, Islands, Sand
Victoria's Secret, Sexiness, Make-Up
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What Am I To You??
Just some simple ques', to find out what I mean to ppl around me...What am I to you?
A friend
A goooood friend
One of your closest friends
THE Best friend
An Aquantince
A family member
Your worst enemy
A co-worker
A bitch
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Myspace Graphics
You Are 96% North Jersey You are totally North Jersey! You really know the area and have Jersey pride. Chances are you just got back from being down the shore! Unless you're taking this test in wintertime in which case you just got back from Christmas shopping in Paramus. Unless it's Sunday, in which case... Hey how come I didn't see you in church today? =P
The Ultimate North Jersey Quiz
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