A variety of the following: Intelligent not obtuse, Witty and Clever, delicate or Stalwart, Green not wasteful, enigmatic or Candid, Mellow not frenzied, Random or calculated, Confident and Poised, Ardent or undedicated, Affable not vitriolic, Cultivated or uncouth, Resolute not hesitant, Creative and Original, Dissident or obedient, Blatant or ambiguous, Sincere not hypocritical, Eloquent and Graceful, cynical or Sarcastic, Autonomous not dependent, Organized or jumbled, Fortuitous and Risky, Conscientious not devious, etc.
Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have high extroversion.
You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.
You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.
Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"
You have high conscientiousness.
Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.
Most things in your life are organized and planned well.
But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.
You have medium agreeableness.
You're generally a friendly and trusting person.
But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.
You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.
You have medium neuroticism.
You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.
Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.
Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great admirer of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything.
The Five Factor Personality Test