Lets see, I'm a fun-loving 24 year old who manages to stay pretty busy. A lot has happened since I've updated this! Lets see, first off, Brett and I bought a townhouse in Halethorpe!! I am now a homeowner (weird huh?). I have a new job, the only bad part is it's in Rockville so the commute sucks! "Six Dead Queens and an Inflatable Henry" is a hit and runs through March 8th at Mobtown! Come see me play a German queen! After that I will be hitting the stage for Merrily Players in "Zombie Prom" as Ms. Delilah Strict (I'll be playing mid-30s which is not an age I'm used to playing so it'll be lots of fun!). That runs April 4th-20th at the Studio theatre at Chesapeake Arts Center (in Brooklyn Park). Then, Brett and I will be appearing together in "A New Brain"! It runs from April 25th-May 18th at Spotlighters! If I've been neglecting you as a friend recently, now you know why (sorry)! When not at work or trying to take care of my house or at rehearsal, I can be found hanging out with my amazing boyfriend! I'm a down to earth, fun loving gal who loves good times with great people!
Kis forKinky
Ris forRefined
Iis forIntense
Sis forSaucy
Tis forTrendy
Eis forExplosive
Nis forNaughty
What Does Your Name Mean?Kinky and Naughty at the same time....interesting!! Lets replace Trendy with Theatrical please!Who do I look like in my "smirk" headshot??
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||| 56%
Stability |||||||||| 40%
Orderliness |||||||||||||| 56%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 70%
Interdependence |||||||||||||| 56%
Intellectual |||||||||| 36%
Mystical |||||||||| 36%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||||||||| 50%
Hedonism |||||||||||||| 56%
Materialism |||||||||||| 43%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 43%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
Self absorbed |||||| 30%
Conflict seeking |||| 16%
Need to dominate |||||| 30%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 63%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 70%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Individuality |||||||||| 36%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 50%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness |||| 17%
Histrionic |||||| 23%
Paranoia |||||||||||||| 56%
Vanity |||| 16%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Female cliche |||||||||||||| 56% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com