FASHION, eating (especially with melly mel cuz we can hold it down), partying, dance partying, having tickle fights with tyler all day, going out, shopping, summer time funness, playing with my pups MEATBALL and GIDGET,happy meals, traveling, bubble baths, VINTAGE, gucci, my bobby, flea markets, shoes, pink, massages, New York, pictures, mashies, kissing, moonstruck chocolates, road trips, chanel, naps, organizing closets, BINGO, endurance posing, swimming, BSC, karoake!, cars, pimp cups, things that sparkle, marc jacobs, weddings, magazines..
80's, Classic Rock, and the spice girls
Old movies (Breakfast at Tiffanys, Mary Poppins, etc.) Romantic Comedys, CONFETTI
Gossip Girl, Dirty Sexy Money, anything on BBCA
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