Dayana profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

cannot live without music,can live without tv; berselere mkn bile ade ramai kwn² yg suke mkn, suke aiskrim, kalo boring a can read anything that caght my eye..ramuan kat kotak cereal tu pon bace gak!! always keep evrything to myself...citer kat org² yg boleh dipercayai saje ..and mind u..i don't trust ppl that easily.

My Interests

music, boooooooooksss(they dont call me the most bacatest 4 nothing!!), add maths, maths, maths..

I'd like to meet:

nas of poh, didi of gsc, and the drummer of scts.


gsc, poh, scts-the summary, incubus, dido, oag, nickelback-hero&someday, prana-if life was so sweet, rhcp-road trippin'(the guitar playing was just so incredible!), no doubt-rock steady album&don't speak


lotr trilogy, goblet of fire.




dan brown, sidney sheldon's-the other side of midnight&memories of midnight, jk rowling-the goblet of fire

My Blog

at least aku daftar gak kat utk driving license...huuuu..letih persuade father..akhirnye bjaye gak...tomorrow gi briefing 5 jam tu...kol 9 lak tu tp aku pon x tido lagik...xpe a ...tido je esok.kan?
Posted by Dayana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


uihh...kwn aku baru 3 org jehh?? heehhehe...nvm,,sikit² lame² jdk bukit.. hey..u guys tgk x roswell semlm?? hadu....sape x tgk mmg rugi ah...lizz dah nak jadik alien siot..sedey gile...iskiskisk...pas...
Posted by Dayana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


uihhh..hari ni 25 dec.MERRY CHRISTMAS!!~~ hehee...last syawal hari ni gak kan? so.. SELAMAT HARI RAYE AIDILFITRI !!~~~ i was back from my teacher's wedding reception kat ampang.bess gile dpt jumpe kwn...
Posted by Dayana on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST