Things don't usually 'bother' me. I meditate to clear my mind and let go of all "bad" things in this reality, and it has made my life just about perfect. If I picture myself and think of how I truly want to see myself, it falls into place either right away or in a short period of time; it's called "the secret" but shhhhh ;)
I am at peace with myself physically and mentally. Not one time in my life have I ever felt this good about myself and my understanding of everything around me until now. I've been told that people try too hard to understand, and was shown to me that it's all right there.. we just need to open our eyes a little more.
I believe that what ever you want in this "existence" can become your reality, there's enough good to go around for everyone; that's what people don't understand. I am following this idea now and will continue to for the rest of eternity.
I love learning about the mind because the more I find out about it, the more I see how easy it is to conduct my life. don't wanna be sad all the time? don't want to be mad all the time? don't want to be afraid all the time? you can change it all, only if you want to, and that just amazes me.
* I believe in myself and other's potential to believe in theirselves , because a diety is just an interpretation of "The Self" being the creator.. nothing more. Everything that you want AND everything that you do not want happens because of you; which for most, is a very hard concept for people to grasp now.
I've gone through wayyy too much trauma and my share of misfortune. It's all in the past now, so there's no use holding on to all those bad memories keeping me down forever, but rather start fresh with a clean slate. As soon as I met Katelyn, I've felt like my entire world has done a complete 180 and I'm now on my way in the right direction. My understanding of love is amazingg, living is the best thing ever, more and more things seem to be coming my way.
So in sum, all you need to know about me is, I have and can obtain anything I want in my life right now, and am completely content with anything that happens because everything is on it's way to somewhere, so I'll just mold it to the way want it for now. ;D
Random FACTS: *I will melt in your arms if you are wearing anything Vanilla *In love with oatmeal raisin cookies *I get a strawberries and cream frap. everytime I go to the mall *Enjoy going to the gym for hours at a time *Like Japanese the most out of all the languages I've been studying *Still good at halo2 even though I don't play much anymore *Still good at DDR even though I don't play much anymore *Enjoy playing piano even though I'm not that good yet *Sometimes I will do logic/riddle/puzzle problems .. for hours *I swear a lot when I drive [stupid people on the road everytime] *Jeopardy is an excellent show *I can't see that far without my glasses on now *like finding random money in my pockets *Hard break beat stuff is my favorite *I'm randomly really good at acrobatics now even though I only took gymnastics for 2 months when I was 7 *The kanji on my arm means 'Hope' The meaning behind it means more than most people's lives to me *To the untrained eye, the general public would mistake me and my circle of friends as homosexuals *I wear my 'harlem' hat a lot now *Joe Garofalo is the real Oddjob, not me anymore :[ *every time I try to write an english 'u' now, I accidentally write a japanese 'u' *I like to eat cereal. like, a lot. *I love J-pop *I REALLY like epic sounding songs like the matrix songs,dragonforce, or rhapsody *I use a left-handed mouse *I hate dirty dishes that are left in the sink *Hot chai or Coffee with milk upsets my stomache *I sit with my legs crossed a lot *sometimes I bounce my legs like I'm having a seisure and I don't realize it *Gio Armani is my favorite cologne *Apparently I'm really good at drawing with charcoal *I breakdance at raves, a lot *I can lucid dream whenever I want *I self teach and read up on a lot of different fighting styles *I have a really low self-esteem *I will only consume salted cashews if they were made by planters nuts *I kinda live by myself *I have an attention span of a ham sandwhich when it comes to reading something *my hands are always cold for some reason *I hate manniquins at the mall *I have a slight case of OCD *I write a lot of poems/stories that I never show anyone *my favorite fast food place is taco bell *I hate fast food but I eat it anyway *I can type the alphabet in 1.94 seconds *I can bench 315 lbs. once lmao *I usually do things with my left hand, except for writing sometimes *I drink a lot of tea *I love playing phantasy star universe *I've been studying up on meditation and self exploration with very positive results *More times than not, I prefer company with no talking involved [for the calming aspect] *I can be very selfish at times *I like being naked, but not really around other people *Hence me liking to take showers 3 times a day *I don't break 'promises' *I've witnessed 5 deaths in my life *My life seems to revolve around 'the rule of 3' *I often drink coffee *I actually prefer going to school than having snowdays *I love yoga *A lot more times than not, I prefer writing over talking *I think I have a pronounced jaw line and cheek bones
Section dedicated to my amazing girlfriend.
So there's this girl, Katelyn Bejma, she makes me the happiest guy in the entire world and I wouldn't change it for anything. No matter what anyone says or does, she'll always be the only one in my heart; she literally completes who I am. Everyone will see it sooner or later, simply because I want it to be that way, and as far as I know, nothing is stonger than the combination of the power of will and acting on it. Have you ever wondered what the color 'brown' 'sounds' like? or what the color 'magenta' 'tastes' like? or what the color 'aqua' smells like? I have realized that there are certain associations between sensations and how they interact with our 5(6) senses, and I have come to a temporary conclusion that the feelings I have for Katelyn are just like the examples above... You can't really verbalize or express the emotions you feel inside when they really have no associations to the words or current tools we're provided with. I guess you could say that in theory, my Love for her is endless. I like the sound of that. I can really see myself staying with her forever and making the perfect family, because we'll learn from other's mistakes and we'll already know how bad it sucks to go through unnecessary drama, so we'll just eliminate all of those problems before they can happen. really only happens once in a life time. And after pondering the significance of that point brings me down to earth and makes me think how lucky I actually am for such a gift. She has made me feel just about every emotion on the spectrum to very bone-chilling extremes, I just can't wait to tell the next generation how we have got to be thee most amazing and inspirational couple I have ever had the pleasure to experience. To show others the wonders we have seen in eachother to possibly inspire someone else to seek a fraction of our happiness leads me to believe that it could trigger a chain reaction to the realization that -True love and the will of your 'hearts' will triumph over ANY obsticle anyone or anything can throw at you-
I Honestly can say nothing makes me happier. :)
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You Are 100% Intuitive
Your intuition is so spot on it's scary!
You can learn a lot about people and situations, simply by listening to your gut.
And you've even wondered if you can predict the future at times.
How Intuitive Are You?
I Laughed out loud.
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Stability |||||||||||||| 53%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 70%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||| 50%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Work ethic |||||||||| 36%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||| 16%
Need to dominate |||||| 23%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Avoidant |||||| 30%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 70%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||||||||||||| 70%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||| 63%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||||| 77%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 63%
Female cliche |||||||||| 36% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by
These quizes are freakishly accurate lol!
Your Psyche is Green
You radiate love, empathy, and acceptance.
You are able to relax almost everyone you meet. You are naturally comforting.
Balanced and flexible, you only seem perfect!
When you are too green: you are jealous, manipulative, and deceptive
When you don't have enough green: you feel sluggish and out of sorts What Color Is Your Psyche?
MySpace layouts for the fussiest people