This is what makes me smile... bring me one of these things and I will love you forever :o) God's love, family, my girls, friends, true love, chocolate, soda, blankets, hot tubbing in the snow, dancing in the rain, kissing on the beach, watching movies on a cloudy day, sleeping in, no school on Fridays!, stars, stop lights, weddings, pretty dresses, haircuts, black eye liner, pictures of Paris, New York, black and white pictures, snuggling, cheese, enchiladas, boy meets world re-runs, friends, re-runs, new clothes, shoes, baseball games, refrigerators, back rubs, funny pictures, sticking your tongue out, getting phone calls, ice cream, curly hair, straight hair, fun underwear, sunsets, sunrises, mountain tops, ocean waves by moonlight, yoga pants, white houses, white fences, purple bathrooms, dangling earrings, pink toenails, dvds, love stories, campfires, marshmallows, diamond rings, sandboxes, swingsets, holding hands, scarves, water beds, roadtrips, butterflies in your stomache, acoustic guitars, finding the right mix for your mood, ice cream, dancing in general, roses, orchids, gerber daisies, the month of april, warmth, season tickets, curtains, and beanies :o)
Turn up the *Music* Turn down the *drama*
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