Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering,Faith, Goodness, Kindness Mildness,and Self-Control Legos, Manda Panda and Guinness
Most people....just not you.
A movie that should be made. With the Breck crew and Mike. Just not your movies...your movies waste my time...just...a bunch of faces...
How to Cook a Cookie. This book would go on to inspire Frarow Grarow to make the world a better place. It wasn't till later that this masked vigilante found out that "How to Cook a Cookie" was written by his formerly retarded son, Walter. He hadn't spoken to his son in years, mostly because when Walter talked it came out "Bleh goo bah ma ma moo." But unbeknownst to Frarow, Walter's mother was taking him to a former disco dance instructor, and through the power of disco dance, Walter's retardedness began to fade away. At the peek of his genius Walter wrote "How to Cook a Cookie" under the pseudonym Scott Towers.
Spill truck scrumptious.....this is probably the best Master Card ad...