My Mommy and Daddy...Br0ther aNd SiSteR...b0Th mY deaResst GraNdM0thErz wh0m i truLy MiSs with aLL my HeaRt...mY C0uSins wh0m i aLs0 MiSs s0 MuCh...aNd My w0nderfuL babY G. (GiRaRd ReY EnFeCtaNa DiAn0) wh0 i'm thiNkiN 0f daY by daY MiSSiN and LoviN fr0m thE b0TtoM 0f mY heaRt!!! aNd LaSt buT nevA the LeaSt...My LoRd G0d aNd JeSuS ChRiSt.