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Steve dancing while we wait to load into Annie’s Social Club - San Francisco
----I’m almost willing to bet that Murdervan own a couple of records by Black Flag, and maybe "Total Recall" too.....Any rock this straight-up heavy that reeks of bad pot (but in a good way) yet still isn’t so completely full of it own shit is worth keeping around for any number of reasons, not the least of which is, Murdervan sound friggin’ great when played good and loud through a car stereo.This isn’t really stoner metal, though-- more like Leatherface meets Thin Lizzy (okay, so maybe that does describe stoner metal), and if someone asked me which Connecticut band I like the most out of the ones from right now, I’d probably say Murdervan.
----Murdervan wasted no time after a brief 30-second soundcheck, saying "Can we just start playing now?", and then immediately tore into a shortened set that was fast and loud as hell. Like the guy from Beware The Hippie Menace said, Murdervan almost always sound like they’re ready to fall apart. For a band that can build a pocket about as well as anybody, they have this way of playing extremely loose, while still sounding incredibly tight... yeah, whatever that means. If you go see ’em, you’ll find out.- BRUSHBACK onebaseonanoverthrow.blogspot.com
On Friday night, just as it was starting to snow pretty bad, I saw Murdervan take the stage down at Wallingford’s charming hole in the wall, Cherry St. Station. The scene was hauntingly familiar. Their singer, dressed in a plaid-print shirt, stomped on a pedal board was literally a slab of wood from which his pedals fell off and got kicked. Their burly, sweaty drummer flung himself at a kit that was being held in place by a length of 2x4. They took heavy rock songs and pulled them apart like taffy into droning, wailing chunks of elastic feedback. Suddenly it struck me: this is grunge. Pure, unabashed, un-retro, neither an homage nor an anachronism. I can only approximate — I was a tween trading in his dad’s Allman Brothers tapes for Pearl Jam when the first wave of grunge hit — but I have a sneaking suspicion that catching Green River or Tad in a divey Seattle club had the same wonderful rock ’n roll reek.
--Dan Barry, Hartford Advocate
Murdervan are a grunge band. I don’t think there’s any denying that. It’s as if they were somehow sent here through some time/space vortex from Seattle 1990. They are good, though. Even when falling down drunk by the end of the set.
--King David
I personally didn’t like the opener "Murdervan." They really really really really sucked.
--Eagles Of Death Metal fan. hahaha
Murdervan: Dumb name, great band. It’s a winning mix of Motorhead’s velocity and grit, punk’s who-cares attitude and a smidge of psychedelia.
-Columbus, OH Dispatch
I would have to say that Murdervan’s new EP is a gem, well, maybe a piece of coal on its way to becoming a diamond. Its a very tight yet rough sounding recording, its crisp. The lyrical content is slightly reminiscent of CKY and in some instances the sound reminds me of old school Soundgarden, and is nostalgic of all that good heavy rock bordering hardcore punk that you grew up listening to, it even has a metal feel at times; as you see I don’t know what genre to attempt to put this one in. Regardless, Shauns wailing guitar riffs and vocals, backed by Andre’s solid bass lines and Adonis’ drums, make for a very pleasantly heavy listening session. The band actually asked me to knock them a bit in the review when I asked if it would be ok to do one, but its hard, I refuse to review a band that I don’t enjoy listening to. You guys are much better at what you do in my opinion than a lot of other “punk rockers†around here. Cheers! give “Jaundice†a listen
--we have no idea who wrote this review
MurderVan is a bit too much for myself as well....
The drummer has a short fuse. I would hate for him to think I was giving him a cross look and end up catching a drumstick in the eye or something....
- Some tool on the Breakfast.info message board...hahaha
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