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About Me

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Franz Kafka,Paula


Tocotronic,Morrissey,Jacques Brel,Anna Ternheim,Phantom/Ghost,Noir Désir,Damien Rice


Garden State,Lost in Translation,Waking Life,Paradise Now,A Lovesong for Bobby Long,Little Miss Sunshine,The Piano,Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken?,Je vais bien ne t'en fais pas,Mio fratello è figlio unico,The Fountain,Das Leben der Anderen,PI,The Shining,Paris,je t'aime,Festen,Fucking Åmål,Tarnation,Snow Cake,The Constant Gardener,Im Juli,Dancer in the Dark,Elementarteilchen,2001: A Space Odyssey,Die Idioten,A Clockwork Orange,Lonesome Jim,Gegen die Wand,Harold and Maude,Twin Peaks,My Life without me,Nackt,Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Herr Lehmann,Broken Flowers,Oldboy,My Summer of Love,Thumbsucker,Me and you and everyone we know,C'est arrivé près de chez vous,Little Children,Les poupées russes,Interview,Eyes wide shut,Becoming Jane,99 F


Scrubs/Family Guy/Black Books/Twin Peaks/Harald Schmidt/Sometimes Arte or 3Sat


Michel Houellebecq: Rester vivant/Jostein Gaarder:Der Geschichtenverkäufer/Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre:Soloalbum,Tristesse Royale,Deutsches Theater,Remix/Wolf Haas:Das Wetter vor fünfzehn Jahren/Hunter S. Thompson:The Rum Diary,Kingdom of Fear/Franz Kafka:Die Verwandlung,Der Process/Guy de Maupassant:Bel Ami/Dirk von Lowtzow:Dekade/Patrick Süskind:Das Parfum/Hermann Hesse:Demian/Thees Uhlmann:Die Tocotronic Tourtagebücher/Max Frisch:Biedermann und die Brandstifter/Friedrich Dürrenmatt:Der Verdacht,Die Physiker/Oscar Wilde:The lucky Prince and other Fairy Tales/Sven Regener:Herr Lehmann/Nick Hornby:How to be good/Albert Camus:L'étranger/J.D. Salinger:The Catcher in the Rye


Doctor Percival Cox

My Blog


Posted by Bisounours on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 07:08:00 PST