Whoever man, cool peeps. Maybe Mr. T, Jason Voorhees, and Michelangelo from the ninja turtles and not these fuckers who are here for a friend competition!!! Fuck them!
My music preference is pretty much an open book! I'm open to everything from classical to tejano. I go from one end of the spectrum to the other. Not really into country or christian though some country is not bad.
BIG MONEY HU$TLA$, All Friday the 13th movies, All Robocop movies, Jason and the Argonauts, Jason and the Golden Fleece, JAY AND SILENT BOB from the Clerks era all the way to Clerks II!!BONG!, Blade triology, Matrix triology, gone in 60 seconds.
Monday night Raw,Sons of Anarchy,Gray's Anatomy, How it's made, and all car shows.
"The Chamber"- John Grissom(One of the only books I actually read through)
My dad.