If you know me you know I don't say a lot. If you don't know me, let me apologize ahead of time for appearing stuck up, cold blooded, or the most deadly assassin in the northwest Baltimore County corridor. I don't hate you.....yet. Once you get to know me you'll find out I have a dark sense of humor.
I'm a closet computer geek (that's the ONLY closet I'm in), and a video game player (Everquest 2 aka Evercrack 2 is slowly stealing my soul). I'm a recovering comic book junky (went cold turkey in spring of '06, I miss Deadpool). I have a laid back personality (translation: shy). I'm more of a "grey area" type of person, but I'll do more good than evil, but that's been slowly changing recently. My music tastes are constantly evolving (yes, that is my actual entire CD collection displayed on the left side of this page).
I usually carry a camera with me if I'm out on the weekend, cause I never know what interesting, random things I might see (old friends, new friends, people falling down, people standing up, blackmail photos, etc...). And I'm only the 27th most deadly assassin in the northwest Baltimore County corridor.
I'm also somewhat of an urban/suburban vampire. I mostly function at night, either at work or play. So if you see me when the sun is up then that means I've had about 0 to 4 hours of sleep, so watch how you step to me.
You can hit me on AIM or Yahoo chat at: Fatalservice
You get bonus geek points if you hit me on Skype!!!!