I love being outside and spending time with my famuly.i now have twin girls who were born 8/27/07 and my life has gone nuts!three dogs, 2 kids and a husband it is a crazy combo.I would not change it for the world.I cant wait till they are bigger and we can go swimming, shopping and all the fun stuff.These beautiful girls are my life now. Dont get me wrong i love a Sat. night out with the girls. a little vino will never hurt anyone.I love to decorate for the holidays!
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Wentworth Miller,Dominic Purcell(anything prison break,i am such a dork!)My grandfather,luke Perry,bruce willis and al
Monster ballads,country, Tom Jones,80's anything.I pretty much will dance or jam to anything.
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Clue,Shawn of the dead,harry potter, american ninja, gi jane,Lord of the rings.I grew up on action flicks. I love the Leathal weapons and the Die Hards.
Yippie KI yae
Prison Break,House, Bones, Nip Tuck. Las Vegas, Moonlight, Ghost Whisper and all the reality shows.Remember i am a stay at home mom.
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pughdog,Ginger & Daisy Pugh