About Me
Greetings,My name is Jerry Reed, and I'm a 21 year old college student at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. I just got engaged in August to an awesome girl named Kristin who also attends Belmont, although she graduates in May of next year, and I graduate May of 2006. Other things about me:
I'm the director of Middle and High school youth at Valley View Baptist Church in Nashville, Tn, and have been so since July of 2004. I'm also a tour guide for Belmont University. If you're looking for a church in the Nashville area or want to go on a tour of Belmont, let me know!
I get married on May 21st of 05 (2 days after Star Wars episode III!
I'm a Religion major in Belmont's school of Religion, with a focus in congregational ministry, and a minor in Biblical languages (koine Greek and Hebrew.) I'm very interested in languages. I'm currently on my 1st semester of hebrew and my 4th semester of koine Greek. I'm currently beginning to try and teach my self Latin (I only took a semester in high school,) and next year I'll be beginning classical Greek (I love the Illiad, and would love to translate it.)
Since I've been in college, I've felt comfortable enough to really embrace my inner geek, which I think I really tried to supress during my earlier years. I absolutely love fantasy literature and science fiction. In fact, I met my fiancee, the beautiful Kristin, in a class called J.R.R. Tolkien in history, literature, and political thought. We're peas in a pod. I actually believe that fantasy literature provides us a very good way to see truth demonstrated in a world different than our own, which allows us to embrace the truth there, and to bring it back to our own world. And I do believe that in the next 10-15 years, interactive entertainment (video games) will become a respected medium for expressing ideas, just as movies have done.
My dream for the future is to keep working in ministry, and to be able to teach in the future (Hopefully at Belmont, I hear they love to hire their own people!) I'm absolutely crazy about Greek, and I'd love to share my love of it with students in the future. I may end up spending an extra year at Belmont, and getting a Masters degree for education, and teacher's licensure, so that I can teach while I attend seminary. I eventually want to work towards my doctorate. I'd also like to write some books, I have a few ideas rolling around in the back of my head...