hmm,.I love beauty, not just hot make up cake, breast showing ass poppin sexiness, but true beauty... Love computer and software design. Huge graffitti artist, love nightclubs and dancing (if I could only dance and not just have a girl make me look good)snowboarding for the win! love long action packed, drama ending movies.~ chinese food in front of a big screen with a great movie ~my 12 year old little pug from college! Dog got into more ladies dorms then my whole crew did.. =)
no - one... well maybe that hottie shakira, but If i met her, I would fall in love want to marry her...go crazy , you know all thatgood sh*t!
Create Your Own!
everthing... well that sounds good...
Scarface, Goodfellas, Godfather, Matrix I, II, & III Blade, Star Wars all the episodes, Last samurai, Shrek I, & II Indiana Jones ( All Of them) should have made more!too many too count!Movies i hate: 7 years in the theater ( 7 years in tibet )
James Bond - The ladies Man ( Cause my skill sucks) Paro - Ultimate PVP,Bill Gates (Ultimate Money Machine) and Martin Luther King for standing for what he believes!