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Live Fast, Play Hard!

About Me

Im tired of people with drama, leave it at the door! Stop sweatin the small stuff, your life moves once, catch it or stay behind... just dont whine about whatever choice you make!Love relaxing, car racing, skiing, swimming, dancing and just enjoying life.All about fun & family and nothing serious,.Love helping people, hate listening to people whine!!~Huge computer g33k!~Even do the computer thing for work. =) Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

hmm,.I love beauty, not just hot make up cake, breast showing ass poppin sexiness, but true beauty... Love computer and software design. Huge graffitti artist, love nightclubs and dancing (if I could only dance and not just have a girl make me look good)snowboarding for the win! love long action packed, drama ending movies.~ chinese food in front of a big screen with a great movie ~my 12 year old little pug from college! Dog got into more ladies dorms then my whole crew did.. =)

I'd like to meet:

no - one... well maybe that hottie shakira, but If i met her, I would fall in love want to marry her...go crazy , you know all thatgood sh*t!
Create Your Own!


everthing... well that sounds good...


Scarface, Goodfellas, Godfather, Matrix I, II, & III Blade, Star Wars all the episodes, Last samurai, Shrek I, & II Indiana Jones ( All Of them) should have made more!too many too count!Movies i hate: 7 years in the theater ( 7 years in tibet )




James Bond - The ladies Man ( Cause my skill sucks) Paro - Ultimate PVP,Bill Gates (Ultimate Money Machine) and Martin Luther King for standing for what he believes!

My Blog

Wrecked this weekend...

Wow, this weekend was crazy, one minute I was hanging out with my brother drinking and then the next minute I was in some crazy ass club blitz off my face with 1/2 naked girls dressed in Halloween cos...
Posted by Adam on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:47:00 PST

I dont know love!!

What I think is that i only know infatuation or Obsession. at 18 i was on top of the world, my own internet company , a crew of 25 elite people which were all employed by me and I was hitting on every...
Posted by Adam on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 09:48:00 PST

Signals.. and Singles? --- Whats that!----

So, Im confused out of my damn mind. Everyday I talk to 1, 2, 3 people maybe 4 or 5 who knows. I know that when I speak to someone I let them know up front how I fell or what i am thinking. I can't st...
Posted by Adam on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:02:00 PST

Sweet 16 - Happiest Day All year

So, I threw down the ultimate party for my girl Janeris aka (Netty).. Sorry hun if you see this Id rather use your real name, We had soomuch fun, so many people came, so many people drank, so many peo...
Posted by Adam on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:12:00 PST

Destroyed and rebuilt in one day!

Man, I broke up with a girl i liked today because we werent just hittin it off anymore!! Boom then someone I was talking with all day today and yesterday, just a friend, who was listening to me wine a...
Posted by Adam on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:06:00 PST

4th of july weekend

beggining this crazy weekend of the 4th, all i can see is the traffic, the waist of money, the screaming kids .... whatever happened to BBQ's, beer, and fireworks?
Posted by Adam on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 12:46:00 PST