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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I am an electrical engineer for a government contractor. I have my masters degree in electrical/computer engineering.
I love to hunt with my best friends Mike and Chris. I am also into martial arts and have my green belt and am working on my brown in American Kenpo. Winged Dragon Karate Club also teaches Chin-na with the American Kenpo. If you don't know what those are Google will be your friend. I'm also getting into motorcycling. Got a ninja 250 to start on and we'll see where it leads.
I am also big into the guns and am consequently big into politics revolving around the second amendment. Myself, and my family are NOT going to be statistics. We are armed and not dependent on the police for our protection. I believe we are called by God Almighty to defend our precious lives as they are a gift from Him. I am just so glad I live in a country that allows that RIGHT to me.
God Bess America!!!
I am serious about investing. I am not going to be working my entire life, throwing money into a 401K, and working really hard only to have the stock market tank and my retirement with it. I refuse to save that money every pay only to have it thrown away.
I dove into the world of real estate investing (REI) as soon as I graduated from grad school. I am working with my dad and we're currently working on our first house. We own a company called J&W Home Solutions, L.L.C. Our plan is to start off by doing about 70-80 percent rentals and 20-30 percent rehabs. My plan is to be able to retire by AT LEAST 45. I refuse to work until I'm 65. That just sux.
UPDATE: 4/19/08 We're getting the lead certification on one very soon and the other is about 2 weeks away from us trying to get the lead certification. Inspections are taking a LONG time. Thanks Baltimore City.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

G. Gordon. Liddy, Michael Savage, people from the past that I have not seen in ages.

My Blog

Saturday Morning Thoughts

Well I'm actualy up before Kathea this weekend.  Amazing!!!  It is raining a little here in Pasadena which means I get to put off mowing the lawn :-).  I finally ordered my computer in ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 06:22:00 GMT

Gathering the boys for some shooting fun.

I'm getting everyone minus two from my bachelor party and going shooting.  We'll be popping some clay birdies out at PG County Trap and Skeet.  Fun will be had by all.I'm debating on whether...
Posted by on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:36:00 GMT

Sitting here doing nothing.

Yup just sitting here doing nothing.  Actually Kathea is sick and I was too lazy tonight to go get out my bow and start practicing for the fall bow season.  I really need to do that soon.&nb...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 17:15:00 GMT

This week

My glasses are in.  Yes I have to get glasses.  Kinda sucks since I thought I'd never have to wear them again after my eyes kinda corrected themselves in the 2nd or 3rd grade when I got them...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 19:00:00 GMT

Getting ready to go to bed on Saturday.

Well Kathea and I went out to dinner with Chris and Heather.  I had some kind of seafood thing for dinner.  It was good.  Kathea had salmon for the first time and she actually liked it....
Posted by on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 19:22:00 GMT

Putting off homework

Yeah.  I am tired of school.  4 years of undergrad college and now #3 is starting for graduate.  I am SICK of school.  I can't wait for it to be over.  When it is over I am fi...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:33:00 GMT