MERCH GIRL FOR HIRE! Contact me for references.
I've been the editor of Enslain Magazine since 1997. I feel most at home in a mosh pit or at a metalfest, and I love to tour, and to travel across the world for a good show. When I can, I promote shows, tour manage/merch tours, and help out in any other way possible.
Apparently, I also like to play host to starving artists/tours, with the help of my mom's basement (and hospitality) and my uncle's beach house in Ocean City, NJ.
I'm a great person to have on tour - I love to help everyone, with everything; to be a tour guide and a travel companion; to fix problems and create solutions; and I can party like one of the guys, and out-chug most dudes (with the exception of a few Swedes). Hire me... we'll have fun. But partying always comes AFTER the work is done.
What else... in the Winter I'll go snowboarding every time I have an opportunity. In the Summer, I long for the beach. I like to do things... swimming, tennis, roller-coasters, taking trips everywhere. And I LOVE Las Vegas. Best place EVER.Edit: SECOND best. Helsinki, Finland is THE fabled promised land. Seriously.
I'm impulsive. As fuck. If I want something, I will go for it, regarless how unatainable or unreasonable it seems, and despite the consequences. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. I think they are.
I'm generous to a fault, and enjoy taking care of people that I care about. I'm completely broke, and perpetually in debt. As soon as my bills get caught up, I realize that I've been too long without a vacation/adventure, and one always seems to find me. My current goal is to one day work on a European tour, so, naturally, I'll stop at nothing to make this happen. And it will, because of my strong force of will.
I'm not very complicated, but I'm completely confusing. I don't understand it either.