zacharyandrewkita, basically. boygirlwheelkimzita. dancing in my underwear. long nights. belly laughs. the beach in july. good hair days. warm weather. the city in the summer. random science facts. oscar casanova la pusspuss. junk food. laying in lawns at night. songs that make me happy to be alive.
we are entirely smooth.
we are the best at what we do.
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as of lately all i listen to is:
the prize fighter inferno. saves the day. scary kids scaring kids. the shins. the sounds. brand new. TBS. owen. mineral. onelinedrawing. anthony green. gatsby's american dream. forgive durden. maylene and the sons of disaster. (old skool) further seems forever. portugal the man. the fall of troy. deathcab for cutie. mewithoutyou. glassjaw. copeland (thanks zack). underoath. foo fighters. chiodos. cursive. postal service. coheed and cambria. bear vs shark. the sound of animals fighting. saves the day. horse the band. mates of state. the number twelve looks like you. planes mistaken for stars. fear before the march of flames. the receiving end of sirens. the dear hunter. saosin. the get up kids. converge. every time i die. circa survive. circle takes the square. valencia.
pretty much.
elephant is the worst movie ever made and if you tell me you liked it, fuck you..
Anything Patricia Cornwell.
The guy that was on Maury Povich and lied so he could get his tooth fixed, and while screaming ebonic obsenities, his tooth flew out, and his only rebuddle was "This is the REAAAAL me!"He made me pee myself.