*disclaimer: do not add me with the intentions of trying to get with me. i'm currently not looking to be with anybody. i've had my fair share of heartaches & bastards *;)* to last me for a while. if you push the issue, i will apologize now, but i'll flip a lid. because i'm not looking for a boyfriend, just a good time
this page operates on canon power
i do the photography for this lovely bunch of kids
they're the most down-to-earth, non-gay homos, drama free bitches i've ever fucking met. & i've claimed them, their my band! NO ONE ELSE'S! i love these kids, they're my niggahboos
if you had class you'd throw down with me.
every tuesday night baby!
don't be shy, say hi!
my nephew is cuter than yer face!
cause i am due for a miracle
i'm waiting for a sign
i'll stare straight into the sun
& i won't close my eyes
till i understand or go blind
.power chords, bass booms, & double pedals make me wet.
good charlotte♥; escape the fate♥; three days grace♥; simple plan♥; sum 41♥; linkin park♥; atreyu♥; avenged sevenfold♥; blessthefall♥; paramore♥; the jonas brothers♥; as blood runs black♥; a day to remember♥
*click & add my friend's bands!*
the murder rehearsal♥ ; end of assyria♥ ; freedom of mind♥ ; ...of bitter flowers♥
*disclaimer: i made these banners kthxbi
sometimes we put up walls... not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down.